Wow! Talk about how thinned skinned rightwingers are these days! In what must truly be an unprecidented abuse of a citizen's rights,
a blogger has gotten under the skin of the New Brunswick Conservatives and they have banned him from the Legislature AND from all areas around the Legislative grounds!Read story about censoring the blogger while you are still able to...
Of course you left winger would think nothing wrong with a guy who is going to court for obstuction of justice. This kind of thing happens on the picket line of every union strike I've ever seen. Instead of fighting with words, you tend to over react and use more aggressive measures. Just like PETA. You guys are all the same.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:00 pm, June 20, 2006
A citizen has EVERY right to enter his or her own Legislature building unless they are a threat to the security of the building and its tenants. Yes, I am sure this fellow is a burr under someones blanket - SO WHAT! Why do right wingers like you demand that average citizens bow down to your imperious attitudes? Good on this guy - all power to him - to hell with Tory and Conservative governments everywhere!
Posted by
leftdog |
4:47 pm, June 20, 2006
DM - you have absolutely NO humour at all - that was intended to get your attention but in typical radical rightwing fashion - it went over your head!
Posted by
leftdog |
5:43 pm, June 20, 2006
Let me copy and paste the comments I said in another blog concerning this:
Normally I'd be outraged over something like this, but this is Charles LeBlanc, he is incredibly annoying and a racist to boot.
Notice in his blog entry how continually refers to anybody who is ethnically Quebecois by that? "The Quebec Security Guard", "Bernard the Quebecer". This is like refering to someone who's Jewish as "John the Jew" or a black person as "Paul the Black Guy" every time he refers to them. And then he gives them a hard time by saying "I don't understand your French" while he does understand their French, he's Acadian.
I've argued with him before, where he said that Quebecers should be thrown out of New Brunswick, he said "They should go back home!"
He was spamming the AcadieUrbaine forum with links to his blog, always in caps, naturally.
I have no respect for the man. I can't believe the media are latching on to this...
We probably agree politically on most things, although I'm sure I'm not as radical as he is, but I can't stand his racism against Quebecers and on a lesser level, his extreme irreverence.
Please note that the Liberal Kelly Lamrock publicly said he agreed with banning Charles LeBlanc from legislature grounds, the NDP well, they're not even in the legislature unfortunately, while a Tory MP from Saint John said he disagreed with the decision to ban him. I mean, I hate to take the defence of Bernard Lord and the Conservatives, I am absolutely _not_ a Conservative, but saying that this is all a PC plot to keep people out of their legislature is a bit strong.
Posted by
The JF |
7:13 pm, June 20, 2006
I think my essential point all along here has been fairly straight forward. No one is LOUDER at the moment in the political world, cyberspace, etc than the angry right wing. Gawd only knows what they are so angry about, but they are. They are loud and unrelenting in their attacks on anyone they percieve as a threat to their dogmatic beliefs. Yet, they are hard pressed to bear criticism of any sort. I acknowledge that the administration board of the Leg in NB has Liberal representation and you may consider me too harsh on the tories - but, if one small voice can so intimidate them that they have to BAN him from not only the building but also the grounds - that is overkill. Mr. Leblanc has not been banned for being racist - that is clear so I won't debate your point there - however, when I see one man with one voice elicit such an extreme response, well, I'd like to buy him a beer. I mean Premier Lord was even being touted as a potential leader of the national conservatives at one time. Are they so lacking in political skills and negotiating skills that they have to 'kill a fly with a sledge hammer'? Is this how he and his colleagues (from which ever party) deal with one lone solitary voice of protest? Shame!
Posted by
leftdog |
7:32 pm, June 20, 2006
Oh, sorry, I got my facts wrong, the Saint John MLA (not MP either, damn! :P) was Liberal.
The rest was okay though.
Posted by
The JF |
7:33 pm, June 20, 2006
I entirely agree that the vast majority of the right is loud, angry and completely unable to debate without resorting to name-calling or other such immature things like "Love it or leave it!" or "Yeah well you're just a dirty God-hating communist that needs to be shot!" There actually is a minority of reasonable people on the right though, misled yes, but still able to debate properly, and I know you're aware of that but, to get to the point...
I don't think Charles was actually banned for his message. It's not like he was really causing any harm to the NB PC party, I believe it's more the fact that he's there pretty much everyday harassing people, like he says in the CBC interview, when people go out for a smoke he takes their pictures and yells at them and such.
I mean, I believe protesting is indeed a right in a democratic society, but bugging the MLAs all the time on a daily basis is a bit much, they're people too and I don't think it's very responsible for one man to bother incessantly the representatives of the people, whether you agree with them or not. Why couldn't he spend his time finding private ways to fund his study and then make that available to various groups? But I digress.
I think he was banned for his behaviour, not his message. If he really was banned for his message then that is indeed very much worrying, but we're not there, at least not yet.
Posted by
The JF |
9:10 pm, June 20, 2006
Im actually sitting in the NB legislature right now. And I have to tell you, he is a pest that Haresses the employees of the legislature day in and day out. There has not been a day when I have not come into contact with that man (who, btw, is a total nutjob, lost in his own version of reality)
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:14 am, June 21, 2006
I read the headline and thought "I bet it's Charles LeBlanc."
Posted by
RP. |
8:05 am, June 21, 2006
The MLAs dont give a hoot, its the employees he was pestering, and thats why he was banned.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:12 am, June 21, 2006
(I acknowledge that there may be a reasonable, non abusive rightwinger or two out there. As you can see from one of the posters on this thread, they are few and far between).
But back to the issue here, I still challenge the NB legislators and government to use their skills and find a way to deal with this guy that is a bit more logical than the methods they are currently using.
Posted by
leftdog |
9:06 am, June 21, 2006
Noooo... what we need is for individuals who are afflicted with right wing mental disfunction to go back to school to study a few key things like history and political science. Once that is done, they generally need professional assistance to overcome their arrested emotional development. They must be moved beyond their total self centredness (the kind that is generally seen in 4 year olds who lack social skills and generally do not play nice with others). Once normal human develop commences again, even the hardest, angriest, nastiest right winger can function as a true member of society. Persons who are afflicted with right wing total self centredness generally do very poorly in elected positions because they feel entitled to do, say and take whatever they want because of their predispositon to 'self'. Case in point is the Grant Devine Conservative government and the Mulroney Conservative government. (Time will tell if the Harper Conservative government will be as corrupt as most other right wing administrations).
Posted by
leftdog |
1:19 pm, June 21, 2006
I am very surprised to see workers from the New Brunswick Legislature spending the taxpayers money surfing the net looking for blogs to discredit me but that's ok because I'm use to it and it's a good issue for my next blog.
This is not right and future bloggers will not be treated with respect in the New Brunswick Legislature.
As I told the media? Why don't these cowards who I assume harash come forward?
Chicken sh@ts!!!!
I believe the attitude of our mla's are wrost than the rest of the province.
Long live bloggling!!!!
Posted by
Blogger Charles LeBlanc |
9:52 pm, June 21, 2006
This is another issue. I will never make fun od someone grammar. Ya no waht I maen????
People who have a difficult time in spelllllliiinnggg should also have a voice.
That's the problem in today's world.
If a person has a concern? He or she will be discredit because of their grammar.....
Ohhh well c'est la vie!!!
Posted by
Blogger Charles LeBlanc |
7:20 am, June 22, 2006
hi my name is "money bags for me" - give me money - I want money - give me bags and bags of money - money money money money - $$$ - money $$$ money $$$
Don't you ever get tired of listening to yourself?
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:47 pm, June 22, 2006
And yet the CTF takes money from all of those corporate welfare bums. Do you really want to get into the issue of 'handouts'?
Posted by
leftdog |
9:05 am, June 27, 2006