5 Things that Feminism has done for me
condition that finds it easy to repress, to degrade, to demean, to
violate. I have learned that this side must be challenged whenever
it appears.
2) Feminism has taught me that 'different' is not bad - different is
only ‘different’. Different genders, different races, different
views, different opinions. Different is not something to fear.
3) Feminism has taught me that equity and balance cannot occur if
‘repression of one by another’ is not challenged. Silence in the
face of repression allows imbalance to reign.
4) Feminism has taught me that those who conquer get to write the
history. History, when manipulated, is not a reflection of reality.
It is a lie.
5) Feminism has taught me that 'duality' is the rhythm of the human universe:
- -night and day gives us our 24 hour cycle. They are equal.
- -Positive and negative charges exist in all matter. They are equal.
- -XX and XY gives us life - Combined they miraculously make new
life. They are equal.
Dedicated to my Irish Paternal Grandmother, Olive, and my Austrian Maternal Grandmother, Elizabeth - both of who came to Canada as young women and who lived their lives here, raising children and bringing happiness in the midst of economic want. And to all of their mothers and grandmothers before them!
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