Federal Cabinet Places GAG ORDER on Canadian Wheat Board

Demonstrating the heavy hand of Stephen Harper's ideological agenda, the Federal Conservative Cabinet has slapped a Gag Order on the Canadian Wheat Board.
By using the power of Order in Council, the CWB has been banned from articulating what it is mandated to do under its own Act.
This is another example of the Conservative's style of 'open and honest' government!
Text of the Federal Order in Council (OC):
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, pursuant to subsection 18(1) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, hereby directs The Canadian Wheat Board to conduct its operations under that Act in the following manner:
(a) it shall not expend funds, directly or indirectly, on advocating the retention of its monopoly powers, including the expenditure of funds for advertising, publishing or market research; and
(b) it shall not provide funds to any other person or entity to enable them to advocate the retention of the monopoly powers of The Canadian Wheat Board.
Sur recommandation du ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire et en vertu du paragraphe 18(1) de la Loi sur la Commission canadienne du blé, Son Excellence la Gouverneure générale en conseil donne instruction à la Commission canadienne du blé d’exercer de la manière ci-après les activités prévues par cette loi:
a) elle n’engagera aucuns fonds, de façon directe ou indirecte, notamment à des fins de publicité, de publication ou d’étude de marché, pour prôner le maintien de ses pouvoirs monopolistiques;
b) elle ne versera aucuns fonds à quiconque – personne ou entité – pour lui permettre de prôner le maintien de ses pouvoirs monopolistiques.
Order In Council - Privy Council
Wheat Board wants GAG lifted
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Ah, the joys of living in a Constitutional Monarchy run by Stephen Harper and a CBC-french journalist.
Posted by
Saskboy |
7:09 pm, October 11, 2006
David - I am not posting your extremist crap no matter what name you try to post under. Too bad 4 you!
Posted by
leftdog |
11:09 pm, October 11, 2006