BUCKDOG Gets Visit From US Senate Sergeant at Arms

No one should ever wonder if the blogosphere is making an impact on the 'real' world.
On Sunday, November 12th, Buckdog published a post entitled, "Congress Should Open the Books and Jail the Crooks"
In the post, we included two published articles, one from Consortium news and the other from an article, "25 Censored News Stories".
Buckdog believes that the new Democratic controlled House of Representatives and Senate should immediately review, examine and have audited the books of the Bush administration. The cozy relationship that Halliburton Inc. has with the White House requires close examination.
So it was NICE to see the Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate on Buckdog today for 6 1/2 minutes, closely examining our demand for an accountability audit.
Here are the original articles in our November 12th post:
Consortium news
Cheney's hand in the cookie jar
Office of the Senate Sergeant at Arms
I find it amazing that so much work for the U. S. government is done by way of untendered contracts. Amazing.
Posted by
A servant of the servant of the Lord |
6:02 pm, November 13, 2006
"The Sergeant at Arms is authorized to arrest and detain any person violating Senate rules, including the President of the United States."
"The Sergeant at Arms supervises the Senate Page Program
Posted by
leftdog |
9:34 pm, November 13, 2006