Tories Handed Out Anti-Rae Badges At Convention

MONTREAL --- A gaggle of beaming Conservative operatives waited mere minutes after Bob Rae was knocked out of the Liberal leadership race before boasting about the role they had played in the former Ontario premier's defeat.
It begs the question, why were a "team" of operatives allowed into a convention to play these games?
Posted by
Steve V |
10:45 am, December 03, 2006
However, it seems to me that Canada dodged two bullets this weekend - the prospect of Ignatieff as leader of the Liberal party (I like much about Ignatieff, I just don't feel he is "electable" yet - too little experience in politics, and still perceived as too close to the US for most Canadians) and a swing to the hard right in Alberta.
As for the Conservatives and their little "dirty tricks" squad, it just goes to show how little regard the CPoC has for other parties or due process. If you play dirty tricks, it's best not to brag about them afterwards - lest the entire party be tarred with that brush.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:53 pm, December 03, 2006
The Conservatives are people with no class at all.
Posted by
John Murney |
8:27 pm, December 03, 2006