Ku Klux Klan Growing In Saskatchewan

Well, 'they're back'!! The KKK is making inroads in Canada once again. Saskatchewan has roughly 250 members with approximately 3,500 in all of Canada.
The Regina Leader Post has an article featuring the 21st Century renewal of this hateful right wing organization. The Klan is NOT a group that Canadians should quietly let fester.
Regina Leader Post
Of the Saskatchewan members, he said that while there is a strong base in Regina, many live in rural areas.
Gosh, I hope Kate McMillan gets right on that. :)
Posted by
Dr.Dawg |
11:58 am, August 25, 2007
I am surprised that there are that many in the entire country. But then maybe this would explain the organized nature of anti-First Nations attacks in Caledonia etc.
Posted by
Larry Gambone |
1:03 pm, August 25, 2007
Larry, you always have to divide by at least ten with these wingnuts.
Posted by
Dr.Dawg |
1:13 pm, August 25, 2007
Is it true that they wear those hoods so you can't spot your MP in among the loonies? Just asking.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:21 pm, August 25, 2007
My fellow Saskatchewanian, John Murney, is blogging this story too.
Posted by
leftdog |
4:11 pm, August 25, 2007