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Saturday, January 19, 2008 

Those Whacky Saskatchewan Liberals!!!

The ongoing Liberal soap opera in Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River riding continues. No one in Dion's crew seems able to cap this political blowout. Every day that it rages on, Saskatchewan residents find that their general shunning of the Liberal party is wise. Regina Leader-Post columnist, Murray Mandryk takes us through the twisty, windy corridors of Liberal antics in Saskatchewan!

"What's curious about the Liberal fireworks in the Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River riding is how long they're lasting.

Such nasty nomination fights in the normally tranquil night skies of politics are very much like fireworks -- bright and noisy enough to make us "ooh" and "ahh" and not want to look away for a few moments, but over so quickly that you barely recall the next day exactly what it was that you found so enthralling.

Well, the fireworks are still exploding and there are several reasons why -- not the least of which is the eagerness of some Liberals to use this fight to take out leader Stephane Dion and Ralph Goodale in Saskatchewan.

Had the controversy surrounding Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River followed the usual pattern, it would have fizzled in a day or two. By now, one would think, overtures would have been made to aggrieved nomination candidates John Dorion and David Orchard, who would be now be singing Dion's praises for insisting on running an aboriginal woman in what is still (amazingly enough) a winnable seat for the Liberals.

One might even think that Marcel Head -- the push behind setting up an entirely new Liberal riding association and perhaps Orchard's conduit in this affair -- would have by now found a reason to fully endorse Joan Beatty's candidacy as a sign of party unity and loyalty."
(The article continues ..... in the Regina Leader Post


The Liberal saga never seems to end does it. It’s already been 3 weeks. :P

huff it will go on and on.

I have always been of the opinion that the Liberal party is made up of people who should either belong to:
- the Conservative Party (these are the right wing 'libertarian' Libs)
- the New Democratic Party (these are the progressive left of centre Libs)

The reason that members of the Liberal Party seem to constantly be at each others throats is because of this ideological splt - (something that that they themselves seem to be oblivious to).

While I am not crazy about Canada having a 2 party system as they do in the USA - it would make more sense for the Liberal Party of Canada to do what the Liberal Party of Saskatchewan has already done .... and that is to just simply fall apart.

Yea but what about people like David Orchard? Where do they belong?

See the Liberals sometimes get people that don't belong in any party.

Orchard is a Conservative! He worships Diefenbaker - unfortunately for him, the extreme Right in the Conservative Party (mostly former Reformers) are running the show and Orchard can't stand it ... too bad. Once a bloody Tory - always a bloody Tory.

Dion's weak leadership is both the origin and legs of this row.

The Liberals have always been a collection of disparate interests (people who are pro child care, and pro abortion, free market conservatives and environmentalists, women’s rights advocates, and staunch libertarians, etc.).

Without strong leadership, and the discipline that goes with being in power (or at least viable for power), they make no sense as a group.

For his part, Orchard feels no loyalty to anyone but himself, so he can say what he wants. And Dion can’t afford to lose what he sees as “high profile” supporter in SK. So, here we are.

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