Ezra Levant's 'Begging' Formula
Here is the formula:
a) Ezra is a fighter for rights and freedoms and is a good guy!
b) Bad people keep trying to curtail Ezra's rights and freedoms!
c) Ezra is going to fight the 'Bad people' who would curtail your rights!
d) Ezra has a young family and needs money to fight the 'Bad people'!
e) Give Ezra money!!
"How you can help?
I promise to fight this fight until the end. I've got the best lawyers and a great legal case. But I’ve got something much better than that now: I’ve got Richard Warman and the human rights commission locked into a process that will allow me to expose how they really operate. Imagine the questions I can ask; imagine the documents I can demand to see. I'll give this my energy and time, but with a young family, I can't give it my life savings.
If you think this is your battle too, and if you agree with me that crushing Warman's lawsuit in a spectacular manner could change the law and make Canada more free, then please help. You can click on the PayPal button at the top of this website (and below), or if you prefer, you can send a contribution directly to my defence team, care of this address. If you’ve already contributed to my fight, please consider helping again – or telling a like-minded friend about this situation.
When I received Richard Warman’s legal threat, my first reaction was surprise, then amusement, then anger. But not now. Now I feel like I have been given an amazing opportunity. A duty, really: to do what our politicians so far won’t do. I want to do what it takes to shut these abusive commissions down, once and for all. Let me know if you'll help me fight."
Ezra Levant
Ezra says: 'I've been threatened with another lawsuit'
If Ezra were a truly good lawyer, he wouldn't need to ask for funds from the general public.
He should be so rolling in dough from a well heeled client list that he'd not be in this financial jam.
But, of course, he lets emotion overrun reason and he goes off on silly tangents and hopes people will pick up after him.
Only incompetents have that luxury: flunkies and fart catchers.
People like Charles (Lincoln Savings & Loan)Keating, Pete Rose,Mike Tyson and Ben Johnson.
So, he's in with that league. Let him fall through his own thin ice. He seems to like skating on thin ice all the time. Let him freeze and just stay on the sidelines and watch like we did with Chernenko and Franco.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:04 pm, February 25, 2008
Why is it that when lefties eschew life's luxuries, like good and socks, we say, they are "committed to their cause", but when a righty does it, we say, he can't hold a job?
Just curious.
Posted by
RoDog |
4:51 pm, February 25, 2008
"we say, they are "committed to their cause" - huh? Who are you talking about?
Posted by
leftdog |
6:55 pm, February 25, 2008
Attack the person, not his cause.
Posted by
David |
1:01 am, February 26, 2008
If you are going to send your money to Ezra, why not be consistent and send money to Professor Tremaine to help protect his right to free speech!
Posted by
leftdog |
9:26 am, February 26, 2008
This comment has been removed by the author.
Posted by
Somena Woman |
2:13 pm, February 26, 2008