Former U of S Professor Pleads 'Not Guilty' To Spreading Hate On The Internet
Terrence Tremaine
former University of Saskatchewan
Mathematics Professor
"A former University of Saskatchewan lecturer says he's not guilty of promoting hatred against Jews, and wants to take his case before a jury. Tremaine was charged last month for allegedly violating a section of the Criminal Code that bars public incitement of hatred against any identifiable group. A conviction carries a penalty of up to two years in jail. Tremaine was dismissed from his position as a part-time lecturer at the University of Saskatchewan in 2005, after the school became aware of postings he had made on a white supremacist Web site.
After his dismissal, Tremaine, known online as mathdoktor99 and JCMateri, attributed his anti-Jewish comments to mental health issues and delusional thinking, but subsequently retracted that explanation and stood by his earlier Internet postings.
Last year, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled that Tremaine had violated the Canadian Human Rights Act by making racist postings on the Internet. The tribunal fined Tremaine $4,000 and ordered him to stop making such postings.
The new postings are alleged to have been made between Feb. 1, 2004 and Nov. 1, 2007.
Tremaine made his first appearance on the new charge at Regina Provincial Court on Monday morning."
Regina Leader-Post
-Canadian Jewish Congress News Release On Tremaine Charges
-More Buckdog on Tremaine
I wonder if the people who are sending money to Ezra Levant, to 'protect' his rights to free speech will also send money to Tremaine? (I'm just asking!)
There are lots of laws I don't like. I don't like drug laws, or laws preventing farmers from selling their own product.
Posted by
David |
11:31 am, February 26, 2008
But you want racist haters of the Jewish race to be able to spread their vile lies!
See you right wingers forget that in most countries there are laws against 'Libel' and 'slander'. Do not libel and slander laws restrict your unfettered 'free speech'? This whole Levant 'free speech' campaign is a white elephant. Free speech IS curtailed by virtue of the fact that Libel and Slander laws exist.
Tremaine is libeling and slandering an identifiable group. It is criminal.
Levant's crusade to bring complete free speech to the nation would be believable if he was fighting to remove ALL existing laws concerning Libel and Slander. He is not.
His campaign is about publicity for Levant and a mechanism to raise funds for so called 'legal defence'. (I'm just asking!)
Posted by
leftdog |
11:38 am, February 26, 2008
Ezra is campaigning to get rid of human rights commissions. I totally agree with him.
The constitution protects people against direct harm from others. The courts enforce it.
Racists like Tremaine remain in the trashbin without having to throw him in jail.
Having idiots like him around is useful: It keeps people vigilant and engaged in a debate about racism. We're a more open society because of it.
Posted by
David |
11:41 am, February 26, 2008
David said, "Ezra is campaigning to get rid of human rights commissions."
Leftdog asks ... why does Ezra want to get rid of HRC's??
ANSWER: Because Ezra claims that HRC's infringe upon his RIGHT to unfettered 'Free Speech' ...
To which I respond ... then be consistent and campaign to end laws that prohibit 'libel' and 'slander'.
Posted by
leftdog |
12:28 pm, February 26, 2008
There is a difference between free speech and persecution.
Once you have grasped that, then the whole issue can be much clearer.
Nobody likes persecution and persecution is not free speech.
Free speech is the domain of intelligent persons. Hatred is not.
Hatred is the domain of the irresponsible and the less intelligent. Presecution hurts; honest argument and debate does not.
Human Rights commissions are there to help people be free from hurtful remarks that stem from persecution. Free speech is found in broader social circles with responsible citizens.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:42 pm, February 26, 2008