Saskatchewan Premier Criticised For Allowing His 14 Year Old Daughter To Drive
In Saskatchewan, a young person may obtain a Learner's License at age 15 and drive with a parent of other adult driver.
This comes on the heels of Premier Wall's admission that he has also smoked marijuana in the past.
While all of this seems fairly minor, one only needs to recall last spring when Wall and his Saskatchewan Party spent weeks in a political tizzy over a case where the NDP were accused of breaking the law for not pressing charges against a caucus employee who had inflated expense accounts. After a lengthy RCMP investigation, it was determined that no wrongdoing had occurred.
Wall is in New York and was not available for comment to the MSM.
UPDATE: Wall Says He Regrets Comment ...
-CBC has more ...
No trouble to see the Sask Party relationship to the neo-conservatives.
Laws are only for the those who do not hold power. Do as I tell you, not as I do.
Posted by
Jay |
10:16 am, March 13, 2008
Hey Jay! BINGO! That is exactly what I am talking about. Wall is the Premier of a province. He is held to a higher standard than other citizens are. Wall was a Ministerial Assistant in the corrupt and crime ridden Grant Devine PC government (1982-91). If anyone should keep his actions totally above the law ... it is him!
Posted by
leftdog |
10:19 am, March 13, 2008
Perhaps it's my Toronto bias, but do Saskatchewanians actually smoke weed or wheat? Also, I do have a problem with the premier's 14 year old daughter driving on the country roads. Young lady folk belong in the kitchen, not operating a horse 'n' buggy.
I'm going to be slapped silly for sexism and geocentrism. The grammophone-typical comments don't help.
Posted by
Skinny Dipper |
10:41 am, March 13, 2008
So a premier who allows an underage person to drive a car is in a state whose governor has to resign because of sexual liaisons.
And he smoked marijuana in the past? And the expense account affair?
Who says Conservatives don't step in it? Funny old world, innit?
Time to dig out that photograph of the people and the dog poo.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:26 am, March 13, 2008
This story has to be the most ridiculous one I have seen in quite some time. Can you tell me how many kids have driven on a deserted grid road before they are "legally" allowed to? I mean come on, this isn't downtown Toronto we're talking about! Maybe you cityfolk don't understand why it is so "strange" that this has gotten any press at all.
"Laws are only for the those who do not hold power. Do as I tell you, not as I do."
That's laughable! Because none of the commonfolk do that; only those in power let their underage kids drive. HAHAHA!
Posted by
Adam |
4:23 pm, March 13, 2008
Frank Quennell is out of touch.
Posted by
huffb1 |
4:47 pm, March 13, 2008
I grew up in rural sask and my parents did not take me on public roads to learn to drive. Brad Wall is not a farmer and this was not a necessary case of a farmer having to have his underage daugher transfer a grain truck or tractor to the next field. This is a total disrespect for the law. We in rural sask have a right to be safe from unlicenced drivers as well as drunk drivers on our roads. He needs to learn to respect that these laws are in place for a reason.
Posted by
sundula |
5:54 pm, March 13, 2008
Outofwork ... I agree. Brad Wall lives in the CITY of Swift Current. He is no farmer!?
I think the thing that drives me crazy about him and right wingers is the fact that they generally defer to their "it's against the law" answer for so many things.
When BC Mounties tazed and killed that fellow from Poland, the right wing blogs were full of crap about how he had broken the law by causing a disturbance, yada yada yada.
In defence of their desire to make 17% of Canadians 'criminals' because of minor cannabis use, Tories generally use their it's against the law" answer.
Wall broke the law, jokes about it, and minor or not it is up to him to try and change the law.
Posted by
leftdog |
6:34 pm, March 13, 2008