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Tuesday, April 29, 2008 

LEST WE FORGET ... all of the idiotic things Stephan Harper said about Canada before he became our leader!

The other day, I did a post that illustrated how Harper is determined to undermine many of Canada's institutions and government. Our Prime Minister constantly advocates that individuals should be responsible for the consequences of their own actions. Well, okay, .... if people should be held accountable for the things they say - here's what Stephen Harper has said about Canada in the past:

"Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it. Canadians make no connection between the fact that they are a Northern European welfare state and the fact that we have very low economic growth, a standard of living substantially lower than yours, a massive brain drain of young professionals to your country, and double the unemployment rate of the United States."
- Stephen Harper, then vice-president of the National Citizens Coalition, in a June 1997 Montreal meeting of the Council for National Policy, a right-wing American think tank.

"Your country [the USA], and particularly your conservative movement, is a light and an inspiration to people in this country and across the world."
-Stephen Harper, then vice-president of the National Citizens Coalition, in a June 1997 Montreal meeting of the Council for National Policy, a right-wing American think tank.

"Canada appears content to become a second-tier socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about its economy and social services to mask its second-rate status, led by a second-world strongman appropriately suited for the task."
- Stephen Harper in his article "It is time to seek a new relationship with Canada," December 12th, 2000.

"A culture of defeat..."
- Stephen Harper, describing the Atlantic provinces, May 2001.

"The NDP could be described as basically a party of liberal Democrats, but it's actually worse than that, I have to say. And forgive me jesting again, but the NDP is kind of proof that the Devil lives and interferes in the affairs of men."
-Stephen Harper, then vice-president of the National Citizens Coalition, in a June 1997 Montreal meeting of the Council for National Policy, a right-wing American think tank.

"In terms of the unemployed, of which we have over a million-and-a-half, don't feel particularly bad for many of these people. They don't feel bad about it themselves, as long as they're receiving generous social assistance and unemployment insurance."
-Stephen Harper, then vice-president of the National Citizens Coalition, in a June 1997 Montreal meeting of the Council for National Policy, a right-wing American think tank.

"What we clearly need is experimentation with market reforms and private delivery options [in health care]."
- Stephen Harper, then President of the NCC, 2001.

"We also support the exploration of alternative ways to deliver health care. Moving toward alternatives, including those provided by the private sector, is a natural development of our health care system."
- Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, October 2002.


GEE. He could make Canada just like the US under the Bush/McConJob/GOP Reich. Record job loss, record poverty, record foreclosure, record numbers of people without health care, record debt, collapsing currency... What a great example for Canada to follow!

Each of these quotes is a jewel revealing all the right wing facets of our polished great helmsman.
The NDP should run each of these quotes as an ad during the next election campaign. Maybe with their polls improving a bit the Liberals might even vote against the government some time.

Next time round, the phrases of Harper will be all over the internet and that'll be harder to put out than a prairie fire.

The Internet will act as a levelling tool for the Conservatives come election time.

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