-Ever wonder how the 'Kates' of the world and all of her smalldeadanimals could so viciously reject the fact that 6 Billion humans are having any ecological impact on our planet?
-Ever wonder how someone could actually believe the ideological crap that Bush and Harper spout?
Well I have the answer. Science is much more complicated than Faith. Individuals who are not that intelligent generally reject science and glom onto faith simply because it is easier for their feeble minds to comprehend.
Are you suggesting that people of faith are less intelligent than you? That might be...
Posted by
David |
9:25 pm, April 28, 2008
There is a great deal of difference amongst 'people of faith' (ie) the United Church of Canada versus The Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints.
I am talking about Muslim / Christian fundamentalists here, who take their holy book to be the unerrant
'word of god' .. to the point that they need to build 'creationist' museums to try and brainwash their followers in complete and utter disregard for scientific observations.
Posted by
leftdog |
9:38 pm, April 28, 2008
"Well I have the answer. Science is much more complicated than Faith. Individuals who are not that intelligent generally reject science and glom onto faith simply because it is easier for their feeble minds to comprehend."
It is good that you managed to get the answer across in only three sentences; keeping it short for the feeble-minded who will faithfully agree with your scientific assessment of "Faith" is less stress-inducing for them.
Posted by
Unknown |
4:33 am, April 29, 2008
Yeah, I thought this particular entry was pretty simplistic and frankly insulting to people of faith everywhere, regardless of if you just meant fundamentalists. You might as well have just said "religion is bad."
On the flip side, people like Kate just believe in Creationism because it's a convenient world view that reinforces her ideological belief in the inequality and unequal worth of other human beings. Just another talking point for her, really. And another group of "scientists" that are out to get good upstanding white people like her.
Posted by
Ryan |
7:32 pm, April 29, 2008
If you want to be offended, fine, be offended. I stand by what I say. The world needs a bit less 'fundamentalist' ideology clogging up the progress of our species on this planet. Where do you think the core mindset for homophobia, discrimination and violence towards gay persons has it's roots? That is merely one example.
The fact that the Book of Genesis is being taught in science classes in far too many states is insane.
Posted by
leftdog |
11:06 pm, April 29, 2008