American Or Israeli Attack On Iran Is Coming Soon
"John Bolton, America’s ex-ambassador to the United Nations, has called for US air strikes on Iranian camps where insurgents are trained for war in Iraq. Mr Bolton said that striking Iran would represent a major step towards victory in Iraq. [...]
Mr Bolton, an influential former member of President George W Bush’s inner circle, dismissed as “dead wrong” reported British intelligence conclusions that the US military had overstated the support that Iran was providing to Iraqi fighters."
So even though British intelligence sources have concluded that the Bush Administration is overstating the role of Iran in Iraq, Bolton's puppet masters are going to attack Iran regardless of any facts.
The world's super power is ruled by super fools.
Posted by
CaptainZen |
5:14 pm, May 08, 2008
But they're God-fearin' super fools!
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:53 pm, May 08, 2008