Maxime Bernier RESIGNS From Cabinet - Everyone Hopes The Door Doesn't Hit Him In The Behind!
"The resignation came ahead of Monday night's airing of a French-language television interview of Bernier's former girlfriend, Julie Couillard, in which she revealed the minister had left a secret document in her apartment sometime in April that she later returned to Foreign Affairs.
"Maxime came to my house, and the document stayed there," Couillard said during her interview with private television network TVA, without disclosing the contents of the document.
Harper said he accepted Bernier's resignation after learning late Sunday that Bernier had inadvertently left the documents in an unsecured location."
CBC News
Earlier Buckdog posts record the sad sorry tale that led to todays resignation ...

How could Stephen Harper allow this whole matter continue for so long and leave Bernier twising in the wind?
Unless, Harper is so controlling and manipulative he has a sadistic streak that allows him to do that to another person.
The cabinet would also see the two sides of this and why nobody stood up and insisted . . . .unless they were so afraid to do so.
Notice I mentioned Harper by name and not title. We will eventually get a person worthy of the title Prime Minister. I hope it's soon--after the next election.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:12 pm, May 26, 2008
Harper consistently displays the adolescent trait of being unable to ever admit that he is wrong!
Bernier should never have been given such an important Cabinet spot. Harper likely reasoned that since the PMO will make all the big foreign decisions, he could afford to sweeten his vote prospects in Quebec by putting a Quebecer in such a high profile international post.
Bernier had no idea what he was doing right from the get go.
Harper is arrogant and as I said, unable to ever admit that he is wrong.
Posted by
leftdog |
8:54 pm, May 26, 2008
This scandal is going to blow right up now after what Bernier's old biker girlfriend told a Quebec TV affiliate. She says that her home had been wired with electronic bugs ... but no indication as to who planted them there! We may have a major breach of national security here.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:15 pm, May 26, 2008
You'll note Couillard didn't think to go public with Bernier's little document gaffe until after news broke about her biker affiliations and Bernier neglected to return her phone calls for three days. Hell hath no
Marnie Tunay
Posted by
Fakirs Canada |
6:56 am, May 27, 2008