Saskatchewan Party Does Most Of Its Political Fundraising In Alberta

There is an old saying ... 'He who pays the piper, calls the tune.' You have to wonder if there is a political equivalent of that saying. If there is, it exists in the weird relationship between Alberta's oil patch and Saskatchewan's governing right wing political party.
The governing party of Saskatchewan is doing some very major fundraising one province over in Alberta. In fact, the Alberta corporate oil sector simply LOVES Saskatchewan's new Premier Brad Wall and are giving him truckloads of oil cash to take back and use for his electoral purposes in Saskatchewan.
There ought to be a law that prohibits out of province donations. However, since it is Wall's government that makes the laws in the Saskatchewan legislature, don't hold your breath.
Sask Party Funds Coming From Alberta Oil Industry (this little story was buried at the bottom of page A9 in the Regina Leader-Post)
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a big kerfuffle about Ontario money infiltrating the Reform Party in its early days and that Ontario was going to hijack the Reform platform?
Wasn't that also a reason for Tom Long's loss in the leadership?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:34 am, May 21, 2008
I think you're correct. I seem to recall that it was quite an issue back some time ago when Reform was first around on the national scene.
Posted by
leftdog |
12:26 pm, May 21, 2008
Saskatchewan Party Does Most Of Its Political Fundraising in Alberta.
I'm wondering where the word "most" comes from. The article you cited suggested that the Sask party does considerable fund raising in Alberta, but not "most" of it.
Posted by
rabbit |
1:15 pm, May 21, 2008
Oh Rabbit - if you happen to be reading this post ... the Saskatchewan Party consistently repeats the lie that the 'NDP is in the pocket and control of Unions.'
The truth is that out of a total of $2.28 million in donations received by the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party, Unions contributed $281,000.
Rabbit ... when will your Saskatchewan Party stop telling LIES on this topic????
Posted by
leftdog |
1:23 pm, May 21, 2008
My point--which reinforces yours--is that outside money taints the process.
At least it's not quite like Parizeau after the last referendum talking about the ethnic vote as being the cause of the failure of the referendum.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:24 pm, May 21, 2008
The Saskatchewan Party are totally in the hip pocket of the Alberta oil industry. Period! That's who funds them - that's who calls the shots.
Posted by
leftdog |
5:07 pm, May 21, 2008
Possibly, but you didn't get that from the Leader-Post article. They only said that some fund raising was done in Alberta.
Posted by
rabbit |
5:14 pm, May 21, 2008
For somone who says he doesn't support the Sask Party, you certainly are quite an apologist for them. It is well known in Saskatchewan (where I DO live) that the Saskies are getting most of their money from Alberta corporate interests:
"On May 1, following the release of its 2007 financial statement, Saskatchewan Party executive director Bob Mason made a comment equally as dumb as Wall’s saying the $3 million in corporate donations — about 62 per cent of total contributions — that the party raked in doesn’t make them beholden to the businesses that gave it.
“There was no promises or no indication given at all in any of our fundraising efforts,” he said. [Most Sask. Party money came from companies (CBC News, May 2, 2008)]
So during all the fundraising junkets to Alberta and private meetings with oil and gas companies and lobby groups that the party has conducted over the last ten years the public is supposed to believe that no promises of any kind were made?
Back in Sept. 2004, on one of his many forays to Calgary, Wall, as leader of the opposition, met with energy companies, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and Saskatchewan expatriates to discuss his new economic plan The Promise of Saskatchewan.
In the article Wall defends Alberta trip as economic opportunity (Leader-Post, Sept. 25, 2004) Wall said the energy sector has a list of what it believes are barriers to growth in Saskatchewan. Those include the province’s capital tax and body of regulations.
Wall said his plan for Enterprise Saskatchewan -- an economic development agency at an arms-length from government -- would create a permanent system within government that would identify those barriers to growth and allow the government to quickly act on them if it so chooses."
Posted by
leftdog |
5:19 pm, May 21, 2008
Perhaps the NDP ought to come try and hold a $300-a-plate dinner in Calgary and find the reception.
The fact of the matter is that these "Albertans" that Wall was hosting a dinner for were either the elite of Oil world (centered in Calgary) and/or Saskatchewan ex pats. No born and raised Albertan would EVER give their money to a political party from Saskatchewan since many I've encountered look at their neighbors to the east with too much disdain and arrogance to do that (let alone fully welcome them into "their" province).
If you want new business' to come to Saskatchewan to develop its rich resources, then you'll have to go to where they are and play nice. Give them a show and dance and promise new business opportunity for them. Wall came to Calgary not only to raise money, but to sell Saskatchewan to business. If only Calvert had the sense to do that.
You see, BP and Nexen and Syncrude don't care if you're a Lenin worshiping communist or a neoconservative Baptist if you're willing to lower your provincial royalties and give them great incentive to come over the border to make some serious money.
I'm not saying that it's environmentally wise to open up your province to Big Oil - but it is a priority of Wall to create more investment into the province through resource development. You've known that since day 1. So why are his tactics surprising?
They shouldn't be nor are they, in my opinion, unethical.
Posted by
D |
8:09 pm, May 21, 2008
"Calgary is the oil centre for Canada, so if you're developing oil policy or meeting with oil companies, soliciting support ... that's where you're going to go. The same would be true for provincial leaders who go to Toronto and raise money there from the financial community. I mean, that's where you would go," he said in a telephone interview from Saskatoon after speaking at a Sask. Party luncheon.
- Really I think a quote like that speaks for itself. So if Rabbit wants to start beaking off that Bloc Quebec should be raising money in Alberta because that is where the money is.
Posted by
Wheatsheaf |
8:55 pm, May 21, 2008
It's a nightmare, both for the people of Sask, and the Sask Party, that Wall has pledged to not even look at royalty rates for 16 years. What a dope!
Posted by
Saskboy |
7:58 am, May 23, 2008
He's totally in the pockets of Big Oil!!
Posted by
leftdog |
9:11 am, May 23, 2008