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Tuesday, November 18, 2008 

Regina Mayor Accuses CBC Reporter Of Giving Him The Finger

One of my very favourite CBC Radio reporters in Saskatchewan is John Weidlich. John has a direct style of questioning that drives politicians crazy. As a journalist, I think he is a good one. However, Regina Mayor Pat Fiacco may disagree with me after an exchange that occurred between the two.

At a news scrum on Monday to announce the results of the City of Regina regular omnibus survey, CBC's John Weidlich asked the Mayor why the survey didn't include a question concerning what citizens thought of the city committing $100 million in infrastructure for the new Intermodal Facility.

At one point, Mayor Fiacco accuses Weidlick of giving him the finger! Here is some of their heated exchange:

Weidlich: "So when it comes to spending $100 million or committing the city to spending $100 million, why don't you think that's a worthwhile question to ask citizens?"

Fiacco: "We might ask that question in the next survey, John."

Weidlich: "Haven't you already committed the city to spending that money?"

Fiacco: "We'll ask the question if we should continue."

Weidlich: "Why would you ask the question after the ..."

Fiacco: "John, I think the decision has been made to go forward. Any other questions that are ...?"

Weidlich: "Just back up one, sir."

Fiacco: "Actually, John, I'll position this one more time. You and I have talked about the way to ask a question. We can talk about this. It's not in the survey right now. If we want to put it in the survey, we can do that later on for next year's survey."

Weidlich: "Can I ask another question, sir?"

Fiacco: "No, you can't"

Weidlich: "Why not?"

Fiacco: "Anything else? Because of what you just did."

Weidlich: "I can ask a question."

Fiacco: "For the record, John, you just gave me the finger."

Weidlich: "Excuse me, sir?"

Fiacco: "Yes, you did, so I'll ask you, you'll not be allowed to ask any more questions. Thank you."

Weidlich: "Forgive me, sir, but you are falsely accusing me of an action which is not appropriate."

Fiacco: "I don't think I've ever done that. You just did that. Thank you. Next question."

Weidlich: "Excuse me, sir ..."

Fiacco: "Next question. From someone else."

Weidlich: "You are controlling the podium, sir, but for the record ..."

Fiacco: "No, you did. Thank you, John. As a matter of fact I'd ask you to leave but I won't do that."

Weidlich: "Well, you control the podium, sir."

Fiacco: "Next question and not from John Weidlich."

Regina Leader-Post

I do NOT believe that Weidlich gave the Mayor of Regina the 'finger' while interviewing him! He is far too professional and far too experienced to do anything like that!

Stay tuned .......

Media Melon has more .... as well as a bit more.

Why didn't more main stream media go after Fiacco who is nothing but a Tony Merchant bum boy and a bully to all who don't bow down to him!

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