The RCMP Whitewash Is Complete - NO CHARGES In The Death Of Robert Dziekanski !
VANCOUVER, TORONTO -- Four Mounties who used a taser to subdue Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski moments before he died of undisclosed injuries at Vancouver International Airport last year will not face criminal charges for their conduct, B.C.'s criminal justice branch will announce today.
Globe & Mail
No Canadian citizen is safe when our national police force can kill you for no reason .... and walk away without consequences. Add this to the fact that our Parliament has been locked by our authoritarian government and Prime Minister ... and you have to start wondering whatever happened to the Great Nation of Canada?
POSTSCRIPT: Oh, by the way, the RCMP have now also admitted that they lied about the number of times Dziekanski was tasered. It was not twice as they had insisited, they now admit that he was tasered FIVE times! Oh well ... ho hum ... welcome to Canada!
The complete litany of posts on the killing of Robert Dziekanski on this blogsite ....
There is no excuse for using a Taser FIVE TIMES in 30 seconds on a distraught man! The advent of the Taser has led to a culture of willful disrespect on the part of the RCMP for the welfare of the suspect. Gone are the days when officers will employ reasonable physical force to diffuse a altercation. Pussies! The new breed of Constable would rather ZAP first and risk irreparable harm to the individual instead of getting their hands dirty in a scrap. 4 against 1 - all they had to do in Vancouver was gang tackle & cuff! Anyone who says otherwise is nothing but a Gestapo State apologist.
Posted by
Baloo North |
6:47 pm, December 12, 2008