Wheat Board Supporters Win Four Of Five Director Seats On Board In Spite Of Conservative Party Cheating
Regina Leader-Post
Stephen Harper's Conservatives did as much cheating as they possibly could to try and influence the current round of Director elections to the Canadian Wheat Board. In spite of their dishonest manipulations, four of the five seats up for election went to individuals who strongly support the mandate of the Canadian Wheat Board.
The Conservatives did manage to get one director spot filled by the current president of the Western Barley Growers Association - a radical free market group.
So nice to hear some good news for a change. Yay!
BTW, did you know that there is actually a Conservative MP who SUPPORTS supply management? Michael Chong, of my neighbouring riding of Wellington-Halton Hills, writes extensively about agricultural and sprawl-related issues, and makes a shocking amount of sense for a Conservative.
It would never happen under Harper of course, but can you imagine if HE was Agriculture Minister?
Posted by
Jennifer Smith |
10:55 am, December 09, 2008