Fresh Winds
From The Prairies
Welcome to Buckdog©!
- BUCKDOG© contains the opinions of a Canadian citizen journalist - Extreme Right wing nonsense is not tolerated well here. Abusive or libelous comments will be deleted. I am a former member of the Federal NDP who has left the Party because of it's current incompetent leadership!
This should have been the first priority.
Posted by
Oemissions |
10:16 am, February 07, 2009
Not gonna happen. With the US currently involved in two wars and military patriotism still running high it would be political suicide to do that right now. The public must first be primed; a nice round of stories on how the military is wasting taxpayer dollars by paying $5,000 for a hammer would do the trick just as it did for Clinton.
Posted by
Robert McClelland |
10:37 am, February 07, 2009
ditto for Canada - wars that are unaffordable and gains (for private oil companies) are stupid and immoral.
Posted by
susansmith |
11:15 am, February 07, 2009
They won't, $4billion/yr goes to Israel, can't cut that!
The Israel Lobby has so much power in Canada, it is not likely that Canada will ever have a balanced policy again.
This is exacerbated by the confounding and inexplicable tendency of ‘progressives’ to ignore the power of The Lobby.
They criticize Isr-el, but ignore the role of Jewish owned media and pressure organizations in shaping Canada’s policy towards Isr-el. The Israel Lobby in Canada got Lesley Hughes thrown off the ballot for stating some facts about Israel’s foreknowledge of 9/11–facts that were corroborated by an Isr-eli paper.
Powerful lobby groups like the CJC and Bnai B’rith successfully lobbied for War on Terror legislation that has severely curtailed Canadian’s rights, resulting in innocent Muslims being locked up without charges for years before their trials, and got Zundel detained in Canada under an unconstitutional security certificate. They have successfully lobbied for laws that persecute Canadians who exercise their right to free speech.
Now Canadian leaders read speeches that sound like they were crafted in Tel Aviv, and Canada is shamefully the only country on 47 on the UN Human Rights Panel that voted not to condemn Isr-el’s Gaza slaughter.
Understanding Mearscheimer and Walt’s paper on The Israel Lobby is key to decoding politics today. This is a MUST read.
Posted by
PaleoAnarchist |
11:33 am, February 07, 2009
Obama has said that he wants to enlarge the US armed forces and also wants to have his very own surge in Afghanistan. Even the stimulus package contains billions of dollars for the Pentagon.
Obama's foreign policy is a continuation of Bush policy and in Afghanistan actually increases US involvement. The only difference is in a more humanistic rhetoric from Obama.
Posted by
ken |
4:58 pm, February 07, 2009
Conservatives? or Neo-Conservatives as you call them. There haven't been any really Conservatives in a government for a hell of a long time!
If you ask a real Conservative today what they stand for balanced books are the #1 item on the list! Yet, we have the Bush Administration that ran up big Deficits and now that the Democrats are in and want to more than double the deficits right off the bat the Republicans are squawking about it! Where the hell were these guys for the last 8 years???
Just because I am a real Conservative doesn't mean I buy this deficit crap because a supposed Conservative Government is pedaling it. ALL government agencies in every country need to cut spending and bring their books back into line.
Last year, as he was leaving the position as Bank of Canada Governor, David Dodge spoke about the negative savings rate in the US. He said it could not continue that eventually using your home equity as a bank account would catch up with them. Well now it has and I say let the chips fall where they may. The idea that you can continue this false pace with a "stimulus package" is a load of crap! And yes, I know that PMSH bought that same load of crap! He should have stuck to his principles, come what may, but he didn't and now we are back into deficit budgets in a desperate to continue the reckless spending of the past 20 years!
Before you ask, yes, I have told my MP that I feel this way and when they call for a donation I will be telling them to go borrow the money. My principles come before my party allegiance. Can you say the same? I haven't read you condemning Layton for demanding an even larger deficit.
OK, I'm done. I feel better now.
Posted by
Trent |
12:18 pm, February 08, 2009