Not Just Separatists Want Prince Charles To Stay Away From Canada

(The future Canadian Monarch - King Charles III - ..... no thanks ....)
"MONTREAL–A group of radical Quebec sovereigntists with a history of raising a ruckus has found a new target: Prince Charles. Le Réseau de Résistance du Québécois pounced after learning that the prince's planned Canadian tour next month would include a stop in Quebec. Group leader Patrick Bourgeois warned Charles to stay out of the province. "Quebecers have nothing to do with the British monarchy," Bourgeois wrote in Le Québécois newsletter."
The Star
The way that the MSM is portraying objections to Prince Charles' trip to Canada, you would think that it is only radical separatists who want him to stay away.
I am not a separatist, I live in Saskatchewan but I too want Canada to have nothing to do with Mr. Windsor, his family and their 'role' as our royal family.
I am not British. I am a Canadian. It's time for this nation to untangle itself from the constitutional monarchy. It is idiotic and it is high time we find some mechanism that allows us to end this stupid arrangement.
By the time that the current British monarch passes away at the end of her life, Canada should have legal and constitutional mechanisms in place that allow us to officially detach from the British Royal Family. I will never accept one of these boys as a future 'King' of Canada.
"Britain's Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall are going to Canada. The couple will spend 11 days in the country next month, visiting 12 cities on a trip which takes place shortly before Charles' mother, Queen Elizabeth - the Canadian head of state - visits with her husband Prince Philip as part of an effort by Britain to renew and strengthen its ties with Canada."
Royal Watch

We untangled ourselves in 1776.
Dawg, there's a cartoon in my Open Thread today that you may want to steal.
Posted by
TomCat |
11:50 am, October 06, 2009
Tom ... I LOVE it! Thanks!
Posted by
leftdog |
12:04 pm, October 06, 2009
I agree with you as far 'not being British' but "the Quebecois" are going way too far. Prince Charles has as much right to visit this country as the Pope of Rome, more so really, and can visit any province he wants. Quebecer's seem to forget they are still a province in Canada and according to their own referendum;s always will be. I say we dump the OLA instead and invite 'the good prince'to visit anywhere in this country he would like or care to visit.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:05 pm, October 06, 2009
Hold on for a second Hooey .. I don't mind him coming to Canada as a 'tourist' ... I welcome here as that. BUT this is a trip to Canada in his role as our future King. I want none of that. What about you?
Posted by
leftdog |
12:56 pm, October 06, 2009
There is no reason in principle that cannot can't either abolish or Canadianize the monarchy. The devil, however, is in the details.
Our constitutional system presumes a head of state that is separate from the legislative branch and the head of government, so simply abolishing the monarchy without replacing it would mean opening the constitution in its entirety and creating a new system.
Most republicans would seem to support a simpler solution - that is, essentially, to turn the Governor General into a President of Canada (though perhaps we wouldn't call it that). At one level, this would be relatively simple. But then we get into the mess of how that person is chosen.
The Governor General, as it stands, is appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister of the day. It would appear to be a small thing to change that to a direct appointment by the Prime Minister - or the sitting GG appointing their successor on advice. But here is where we get into the tricky bits.
One of the weaknesses of our present system is that the GG is the last resort check against a dictatorial Prime Minister in a majority Parliament. If that office becomes a personal gift of the PM - and hence replaceable at whim by the PM - then the capzcity of the GG to act independently in extremis (and it would and should only be in extremis) is undermined.
Well, (says my imaginary republican) why not elect the President of Canada by direct election or some other process?
Not bad. But we still have a constitutional problem - at least potentially.
The monarch (delegated to the GG) has virtually autocratic power according to our constitution. Everything that happens, notionally at least, happens because the GG says so.
Now, in practice, the GG only acts on advice (except in extremis). This convention has evolved because the unelected office of monarch / GG has no electoral legitimacy.
But if we elect the GG / President (directly or otherwise) then the reason for the previous convention is lost. So, if the ex-Tory or ex-Liberal MP who has become GG / President doesn't like the advice proffered by a future NDP Prime Minister, where does that leave us?
Now, I don't think squaring this circle is impossible. But we kid ourselves if the think it would be anything less than a complete overhaul of major portions of the Constitution requiring the consent of the federal Parliament and all ten provincial legislatures.
So, fill your boots. I just think there are about 80 bejillion more important things to spend our energy and political capital on.
Posted by
Malcolm+ |
1:52 pm, October 06, 2009
Well said, Malcolm+.
Posted by
thebanana |
2:17 pm, October 06, 2009
sorry, there's nothing wrong with the system as it exists now, the monarchy represented here by the GG is nothing more than a figurehead and can and should stay that way. We probably have one of the best representative government's in the world if not the best, we need to take better care of what we have though, get the BQ removed from the federal parliament.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:04 pm, October 06, 2009
Why can't we have a Canadian figurehead? Why a British Queen? That's just ridiculous!
Posted by
leftdog |
7:38 pm, October 06, 2009
ok, if you say so
why not go with the President idea and get rid of the crown altogether. then we can have some real good government like the U.S and France and Iran and Iraq and Afghanistan and Zimbabwa.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:58 pm, October 06, 2009
I'm not saying you don't have a point, LeftDog. I'm just not convinced it is worth the significant effort that would be involved.
But if you would like a suggestion about how to make a uniquely Canadian monarchy over about two generations with far less constitutional hassle, I have a suggestion.
An Act of Succession passed in the Canadian Parliament (which might not require consent of the provinces - but still might), superceding the bigoted Act of 1702 designates a person in the line of succession as Mrs. Battenburg's heir in right of Canada on the condition that the said heir renounces (for themselves and their issue) all other hereditary rights to other crowns.
IOW, we designate, say, Prince Andrew as QEII's heir for Canada. (Why Andrew? Well a) he's unlikely to succeed to the throne of the UK and he actually went to school in Canada.) Andrew's still a Brit, but he moves here so he's a "naturalized" ex-Brit. His daughter Beatrice as well. By the time she's snuffed it, the family is pretty much thoroughly Canadian.
In addition, we drop the bigotted BS about the monarch not being an RC or married to an RC. We can also alter the sexist bits of primogeniture and give female issue equal standing.
Granted, it's still a monarchy - but at least it's Canadianized (over time).
Doesn't have to be Randy Andy, of course. Mrs. Battenburg's grandson Peter Phillips (technically not even a prince anymore) is married to a Canadian.
Posted by
Malcolm+ |
12:46 am, October 07, 2009
Then there's this solution:
Posted by
double nickel |
8:26 pm, October 07, 2009
That solution could not be worse than what we have .... and may even work out better.
Posted by
leftdog |
8:44 pm, October 07, 2009
He looks like Charlie Chaplin.
Posted by
LeDaro |
9:57 am, October 08, 2009