How Top Conservative Cabinet Minister Tony Clement Created A $50 Million Slush Fund And Spent It In His Riding Under Guise Of G8 Conference
Tony, Tony, Tony! Haven’t we learned any lessons from the Liberal sponsorship scandal?
"An auditor general’s report in June has already painted a disturbing picture of how $45.7 million in legacy fund cash was dished out with no bureaucratic oversight or paperwork. Reacting to that report, the government conceded there were administrative shortcomings but said none of the cash was misspent.
Yet new documents, obtained from Muskoka-area municipalities obtained by federal NDP researchers using freedom-of-information legislation, shed new light on how Clement’s own office stickhandled funding. Angus was expected to discuss the findings at an Ottawa news conference Monday.
Municipal records from Gravenhurst and Bracebridge show that as far back as 2008 Clement and his local Conservative political team in Huntsville began drumming up projects in the Muskoka area that would qualify for G8 legacy funds. Those who had a hand in shepherding the proposals through the approval process were Clement’s constituency team, staff in his ministerial office and government officials under Clement’s authority."
The Star
-Tony Clement's Riding Slushfund ....