Saskatchewan Green Party Leader Defects To Campaign Of New Democrat Candidate On Eve Of Provincial Election
"With a provincial election around the corner, Larissa Shasko is stepping down as leader of Saskatchewan's Green Party.
"Shasko, 29, who became party leader in April, 2009, said she still supports the party's principles, but in the upcoming election, she wants to support Yens Pedersen, the NDP's candidate in the Regina South constituency.
"I very much feel like my time and my effectiveness — as somebody who is politically involved — needs to be put to use to elect somebody in this election," she said.
The provincial election is Nov. 7.
Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Shasko said she was frustrated with some of the "inner workings" of the Green Party in Saskatchewan."
CBC Saskatchewan
Ouch. You know you're in trouble when your leader jumps ship to another party, let alone right before an election.
Posted by
Purple library guy |
5:19 pm, September 06, 2011