"We have 24 senators from Quebec and there are just six from Alberta and
British Columbia. It's to our advantage. To
want to abolish it is demagoguery ... We'll have to improve it."
Justin Trudeau, Leader
Liberal Party of Canada
As more and more Canadians come around to the position of Canada's New Democrats on the unelected Senate ... guess what Justin Trudeau decides to spring on his party faithful?
The political columnist with the Regina Leader-Post is bang on with today's offering:
Trudeau lets PM off Senate hook
"It must be reassuring to federal Conservatives besieged by the Senate
scandal to know that there is a federal politician in this country more
tone-deaf than Prime Minister Stephen Harper.In fact, the godsend for the Conservatives right now might very well be Liberal leader Justin Trudeau.
as Harper's buffoonish handling of the Senate scandal had his
Conservatives slipping behind the Liberals - at least, according to
increasingly untrustworthy polling - along comes Trudeau with an
incredibly stupid remark bound to offend anyone outside Quebec.
As someone from Quebec, I can tell you that that his suggestion that these unelected, unethical and unaccountable senators being in any way, an advantage is deeply offensive. It's shameful that he thinks that he believes having more of these clowns come from my province is a good thing.
Posted by
Michel |
12:06 pm, May 28, 2013
Excellent post, leftdog.
Further proof, should any be required, that the replacing the Cons with the Libs, or vice-versa, is just changing the engineer on the train.
Same train, same tracks.
Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum.
And insofar as the Senate is concerned, it is becoming more and more apparent every day that it is a vestigial organ that needs to be excised.
How much more infected does it need to be before we come to the sad conclusion that this country needs a senatectomy.
Sober second thought indeed.
Rubber stamp, more like it.
Patronage central. Retirement home for party hacks and bagmen.
Interesting, is it not, that at a time of austerity, when we are asking people to postpone their retirement, and when we are laying off scientists and destroying such venerable institutions as the Canadian Wheat Board …
… somehow, the SENATE is sacrosanct????
Go figure.
Posted by
Some Old Guy |
6:38 pm, May 28, 2013
This was a huge error on Monsieur Trudeau's part. It has and will hurt him in Atlantic and Western Canada. Dumb ... really dumb. Thanks for dropping by .. I really like your blog!
Posted by
leftdog |
8:48 pm, May 28, 2013
Totally agree. leftdog. And I appreciate your comments. For sure I'll be listening in - as always.
Posted by
Some Old Guy |
8:56 pm, May 28, 2013
Readers can find Some Old Guy's bolg ... ZAG ... HERE!
Posted by
leftdog |
10:52 pm, May 28, 2013