Conservatives Heading For A BIG Fall With Harper .... Brad Wall Could Change All Of That ...

I know Brad Wall. Not extremely well, but like a neighbour that you wave to as you come and go on your street. He's friendly. Nice family. The lawn is mowed.
I don't like his politics. He took his political apprenticeship with the disastrous Progressive Conservative administration of Grant Devine ... many of who were convicted of fraud and breach of trust after two terms in the 1980's. Wall has the kind of politics that holds firm to the belief that 'if it's good for the corporate world, by golly, it's gonna be good for everybody..'
Premier Brad Wall's key political tool in Saskatchewan politics is that it is hard not to like him as a person even if you disagree with his agenda and his actions. He has a sense of humour and at times makes himself the butt of a joke. You don't find many politicians who can achieve that. I tend to be a bit hard on him on this blogsite ... but he deserves it.
Now ... my point.
I am not sure if Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall has his eye on a move to federal politics. In the last number of months he has stuck his toe into national political waters in a manner that makes me think that he just may be contemplating such a move.
-He jumped on Thomas Mulcair over Canada's problem with the 'high dollar' impact on manufacturing that economists call 'Dutch Disease'.
-He has angrily gone after President Barrack Obama on the XL pipeline issue .. including speaking engagements in the US to advance his pro-pipeline position.
-He has shocked a lot of Conservatives by recently changing his position on abolishing the corrupt Canadian Senate.
-His participation in the 2013 Bilderberg Conference on 'EU/North American Trade' in the UK.
-He has now taken a strip off of Federal Liberal Leader, Justin Trudeau for his exorbitant and outrageous demand for speaking engagement fees while sitting as an elected Member of Parliament.
Is Brad Wall looking at a move to Federal politics? Well ....
It appears that Stephen Harper is in trouble up to his neck. Unlike Wall, Harper is neither friendly nor engaging. He is rigid, cold, calculating and humorless. The fact that the 'office' of the Prime Minister of Canada is now under criminal investigation by the RCMP surely must leave a lot of Conservatives wondering where this is all going to end.
As an old political hack, I can tell you where it is going to end. Like the fall of the once massive Mulroney majority, the Conservatives are headed for opposition under the leadership of Stephen Harper.
What could change their fortunes? Well .. a new leader ... the right leader just might be able to breathe fresh air into the stale, dank backrooms of the Conservative Party of Canada.
But who? Well ... John Baird is too angry. Jason Kenney is too nasty. Peter McKay is too self absorbed .. Jim Flaherty is too sickly ... Bernard Lord is too chicken ... so who?
Well, if the knives are going to come out at the Conservative Convention later this month in Calgary, there are a lot of individuals who would do worse as Conservative Party leader than Brad Wall.
Stay tuned!