Tories Plan More Tax Cuts
Anyway, now that things on Harper's agenda are not going that well (Afghanistan, Fiscal Imbalance, budget cuts, dropping poll numbers) he has decided that he needs to cut your taxes again!!
Somehow I just can't get excited when I hear Tory hype. If he wanted to give the people of Canada some real tax relief, he had an opportunity with the surplus.
Oh well, perhaps after his tax cut I will be able to top off my 'penny jar'.
National Post
Whooee! I can't figger out howcum voters buy this sorta BS. Everytime we get a Con gummint an' everytime the Merkins get a Repub gummint, there's big troublems in the economy. Bush Sr. - "read my lips" Bush Jr. - biggest deficit ever. 13 years o' Grit gummint surpluses is goin' down the drain with Harpoon spendin' all our dough proppin' up warlords an' dope dealers in Afghanistan.
Posted by
JimBobby |
8:47 am, October 17, 2006
The last time the Tories announced a "tax cut" I ended up paying more taxes (for me, the increases they quietly announced outweighed the cuts they loudly trumpeted).
I don't think I can afford another Tory tax cut. If this is anything like the last time, I may need to get a second job!
Posted by
Lord Kitchener's Own |
8:58 am, October 17, 2006
Buckdog our net national debt is currently 485 Billion dollars. Do you think we shouldn't pay it down?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:09 pm, October 17, 2006
If a big chunk of the surplus had been given to the citizens (NOT BUSINESS), likely almost the total amount would have been spent by the people - raising more GST for the Federal government - that spinoff taxation could have gone to the banks as debt repayment.
If the tories want to pretent that they put people and families first then they had an opportunity to do that but they did not.
As for debt - perhaps if the corporate taxation that has been deferred or is in arrears, would be paid, that might just lower the debt as well.
My point is this - Tories are full of nice promises and little delivery.
Posted by
leftdog |
1:22 pm, October 17, 2006
I live in Saskatchewan where we had Conservative government for 9 long years!
During the 9 years the Conservatives were the government here they DID NOT balance even ONE budget!
They grew the Debt by over $12 Billion and when they were done, 16 Conservative Members of the Legislature were CONVICTED of FRAUD and BREACH OF TRUST.
I have seen the 'RESPONSIBLE fiscal policies' of Conservatives before.
Why did the Mulroney gov't get thrown out in 1993 when you Tories only won TWO SEATS IN ALL OF CANADA! Crooks!
Don't talk to us about 'responsible conservative fiscal policies' because it is CRAP!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
4:30 pm, October 17, 2006
Wow Buck,
Taker easy. Sorry you had a rough ride with a Conservative government during a recession. My Conservative government in Alberta seems to be doing pretty well for itself, which is why every province is sending it's young souls here, from Calvert's Saskatchewan even.
Also, this is just asinine: He then proceeded to hand a $13 Billion surplus to the banks! (Once cent for you - $13 billion for banks!). You gotta love Tory priorities!
To the banks? As if we didn't borrow money from them? Do you realise that the entire $13B wouldn't have existed as government revenue if the Chretien government didn't reduce the debt as much as it did. The debt reduced between 1997-2004 reduced YEARLY debt servicing charges of about $15B, for which we get nothing.
The point is, the more and the faster we pay off the debt, the less we pay yearly to service that debt, and get absolutely nothing in return. You make it sound positively malicious, when it actually makes tons of sense.
Posted by
Olaf |
8:46 pm, October 17, 2006
You know what lance - your point will ONLY be VALID when the last of your tax dollars pays off the last of Devine's debt - auditor said in August that there is still about $6 Billion left - I generally have a lot of respect for your opinion BUT I AM NOT BUYING YOUR NONSENSE ABOUT STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON CORRUPT CRIMINAL TORIES!
And if it was a non issue, why are the Conservatives in Sask still under the 'Witness Protection Plan' with their phony baloney party that they call 'the SASKTACHEWAN PARTY' - sorry pal .... your bias is showing!!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
8:49 pm, October 17, 2006
LANCE - and if you read carefully, the only time I bring up 'Devine' is when I have some Tory trying to tell me:
a) how 'honest' Conservatives are
b)that the Libs were the most corrupt government.
When a Tory tells me that kind of crap, I remind them of the history of their own party.
Posted by
leftdog |
8:51 pm, October 17, 2006
Olaf said: "The point is, the more and the faster we pay off the debt, the less we pay yearly to service that debt, and get absolutely nothing in return. You make it sound positively malicious, when it actually makes tons of sense."
Yeah - so responsible he is ... but WHAT is he going to slash next as an excuse for a tax cut?
I simply can't understand why you think Harper is so good?
He is a liar - a promise breaker - and a 'flim flam' artist.
He has sat in Parliament as a:
-Reform party MP
-Alliance party MP
-Conservative MP
(kind like the old shell game - keep mixing it up until he can win government and then IMPOSE HIS RIGHT WING NONSENSE ON THE NATION!!
Unbelievable that you can defend that kind of slight of hand crap!
Posted by
leftdog |
9:05 pm, October 17, 2006
Reform merged into Alliance, which merged into the CPC. You act like they're exclusive entities.
keep mixing it up until he can win government and then IMPOSE HIS RIGHT WING NONSENSE ON THE NATION!!
You make it sound like he spearheaded a military coup. More people voted for him than for any of the other parties. It's that simple. So Canadian's imposed it on themselves.
Posted by
Olaf |
9:56 pm, October 17, 2006
38 percent of Canadians voted for him. That is not a mandate to drastically change the nation which is what he has in mind with his 'rebranding' crap.
How you can defend him is beyond belief.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:00 pm, October 17, 2006
Lance said, "It's as wrong to assert that the current crop of conservatives, SP or CPC, share morals and integrity with those 14 people."
So you believe that no Tory is talking about Bob Rae's $1 Billion deficit when he was Ontario's premier? Isn't that history like the Devine stuff.
Hell, Brad Wall talks history every day when he claims that Tommy Douglas kept Sask from becoming an oil player like Alberta.
I think it is unfair to expect me to remain silent on Devine, when my political adversaries do ALL THE TIME what you want me to stop doing.
That's a double standard. No thanks.
I am not going to let the remnants of Devine's crooked bunch off the hook that easy. And you KNOW who worked for him that wants to get elected soon. That is a fight that we are going to have yet in this province, like it or NOT.
Posted by
leftdog |
11:13 am, October 18, 2006
Here is a post from Giant Political Mouse in the same vein - I found it VERY FUNNY!!!!
Conservatives and handcuffs
Posted by
leftdog |
11:19 am, October 18, 2006