Two Premiers Join Forces in Fight For Equalization
During the last Federal Election, Stephen Harper promised to remove the revenues from non-renewable resources when calculating equalization allocations for the two provinces.
As soon as the Conservatives won power, they began to reverse the promise.
Stephen Harper likes to remind Canadians that his government is keeping their 'promises'. Two of Canada's Premiers beg to differ.
CBC Saskatchewan
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But look out on another front! Calvert is poised to join in with Alberta and BC on the TILMA deal, which is a deal that takes NAFTA principles and applies them to virtually every regulation in existence and makes democratic governance almost irrelevant.
Posted by
berlynn |
5:47 pm, October 18, 2006
The proposed equalization regime would benefit Quebec with two-thirds of the new equalization money. Who do you think will win a political powerplay between SK/NF vs. Quebec?
Posted by
Olaf |
10:45 pm, October 18, 2006
If Harper breaks his very specific election promise to Sask and Nfld, then he is going to lose seats in both of those provinces.
His Tory MP's in Saskatchewan have been crapping their pants over this.
Tory MP's Missing in Action
If Harper picks Quebec (where his poll numbers are tanking) over Nfld and Sask - toast for him!
Posted by
leftdog |
11:11 pm, October 18, 2006