Ezra Levant Will Likely Hurt Himself With New Blog
Mr. Levant has now broken with the Western Standard blog and this morning unveiled his new site, Ezra Levant.
Ezra is known for hurting himself in intelligent company with statements such as this:
“The global warming debate is a scam to begin with. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN's official group of climate change scientists, states that even if every country in the world followed the Kyoto Protocol to a 'T' for 100 years, the world would not cool off at all. So while global warming hypocrisy is fun to point out, it really doesn't matter, since mankind's impact on climate is negligible."
Ezra Levant
July 30, 2007
I hope that Progressive Bloggers everywhere will join with me to monitor Mr. Levant's mindfarts and call him on it when required!
At 1:03 pm today, there's still nothing there. Just like Conservative policy
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:04 pm, December 22, 2007
Ezra's auto-biographical epitaph will read "Once a Stock-a-holic always a Stock-a-holic."
Like a B-grade horror flick, he is out of sync and his plot always thins. The main characters in his "dramas" are either dupes or duffuses and they all disappear in the end - and nobody really cares.
Posted by
kenchapman |
11:36 am, December 23, 2007