Bush Closes Environmental Protection Agency Technical Research Libraries: Massive Volume Of Environmental Research To Become Suddenly "Unavailable"
"In an extraordinary letter of protest, representatives for 10,000 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scientists are asking Congress to stop the Bush administration from closing the agency’s network of technical research libraries. The EPA scientists, representing more than half of the total agency workforce, contend thousands of scientific studies are being put out of reach, hindering emergency preparedness, anti-pollution enforcement and long-term research..."
"In his proposed budget for FY 2007, President Bush deleted $2 million of support for EPA’s libraries, amounting to 80% of the agency’s total budget for libraries. Without waiting for Congress to act, EPA has begun shuttering libraries, closing access to collections and reassigning staff."
"The Bush administration apparently decided that it was politically easier to close the libraries than to burn the books, although the end result will be the same..."
"In their letter, the EPA scientists cite library closures as 'one more example of the Bush administration’s effort to suppress information on environmental and public health-related topics.'"
The conservative authoritarian agenda continues. Any means to silence those who disagree with you is apparently A-OK.
Read the full story
Absolutely ridiculous. Since when is it the job of a democracy to supress public information? The Founding Father must be rolling in their graves...
Posted by
gfdgfdfd |
6:50 pm, July 18, 2006
Conservatives silence anyone who disagree's with them, why then where cabinet ministers in the Liberal party forced to vote with the Priminister on issiues when the Liberals where in power, or they would have been dissmised from cabinet. eg, 2000 Liberals were against Gay Marrage, then all of a sudden, they seen votes if they voted for same sex marrage, they switched over night and supported it, another eg, missle defence, Liberals supported it, then seen that the public disagreed with it, they then changed their minds and went against it. It seems that Liberals are more interested in public polls then what is right for Canadians. That is why Priminister Harper will get his Majority Government next election, He does not Dither, and he is a leader that we all have been waiting for, he has done more in the last six months then the Liberals have in 13 years. The Liberals had 13 years to get a daycare plan in order/healthcare/aborigonal affairs...and cut our military spending... way to go Martin, send our troops to Afghanistan with green camo... Harper belives in Majority rules, not speacial interest gorups or monority groups that are only in for them selves and not Canadians. We have our leader and finally I and many more Canadians can be proud again.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:45 pm, July 19, 2006