Conrad Black Says He Is A Freedom Fighter

"I have settled into my new life as a freedom fighter," he says. "It's very interesting and it's quite stimulating, in a way, but it is an ordeal." (Reuters 2006).
I wonder what 'freedom' he is 'fighting' for? I assume he is referring to his own freedom which is in serious jeopardy if he is convicted in the United States.
Whether you call him Mr. Black or The Rt. Hon. The Baron of Crossharbour, Conrad is a larger than life figure. He knows it. His bluster is famous.
However, Mr. Black's fame in Canada has not deterred the U.S. Attorney's Office in Chicago with charging him for an alleged scheme to divert more than $80 million US from Hollinger, Inc. Black is facing eight charges, each of which calls for a penalty of five years in prison, if he is found guilty.
To date, he has rejected a plea bargain which would see him serve some time in an American federal facility.
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