Wheat Board Fires Back at Tories

If the Harper plan is not challenged, the Canadian Wheat Board could become a thing of the past, regardless of how the majority of Canada's farmers feel about it. The Wheat Board is the world's largest marketer of wheat and barley, and it is the most prestigious marketing board in the world. It's been under constant attack by American grain companies.
Conservative policy papers have made it clear that they will dismantle and destroy this venerable Canadian institution. If the Harper government gets it's way, Canada's grain industry would be controlled by Cargill and other American companies. It is the Canadian Wheat Board that has been instrumental in blocking Monsanto from introducing genetically modified varieties of grain in Canada, but once the board is off the scene this is another feature of private enterprise to which Canadians will be subjected.
The Tory agenda is purely ideological. It is NOT logical!
Winnipeg Free Press
Saskatoon home page
American Agribusiness Hates CWB
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"It is the Canadian Wheat Board that has been instrumental in blocking Monsanto from introducing genetically modified varieties of grain in Canada, but once the board is off the scene this is another feature of private enterprise to which Canadians will be subjected."
It has been the consumer and especially the international consumer/buyer, that has had a huge influence in the non-acceptance of certain genetically modified varieties.
The CWB has had to listen to that buyer, especially the European buyer.
Any producer of food products, small business or corporate, will have to listen to their buyer.
That won't change ever.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:04 am, October 12, 2006