Wheat Board Kicks 1.6 Billion Into Economy Annually

According to a report by Price Waterhouse Coopers, not only is the CWB the world’s largest marketer of wheat but also a major economic force in Canada.
The report points out the CWB plays a big part in Winnipeg’s economy also, adding $86 million a year to the city’s gross domestic product.
Winnipeg Free Press
That's actually an argument to privatize the industry. Industries that are making that sort of quid shouldn't be stuck down to government monopoly. If the airline industry was worth $20 everyone would tell the government to sell it (thats in fact what they did). The same goes for Via Rail and the sorts.
If crown corporations are making massive quid they should go private.
Posted by
Paul Vincent |
9:29 am, January 11, 2007
And if the WB is corporatized - ie handed over to multinationals like Cargill, then most of that wealth will be heading South instead of staying in Canada. Handing over our economy to the multi-nats is just pumping wealth out of the country.
Posted by
Larry Gambone |
12:32 pm, January 11, 2007
Mr. Vincent, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG!! The CWB takes a small small percentage of their profit for administration and the rest - well over 90% goes right into the pockets of farmers.
You are making the same MISTAKE that Stephen Harper is making - you are letting right wing 'IDEOLOGY' get in the way of reality. The reason that the Federal Conservatives WILL NOT allow farmers to vote on an end to the singe desk marketing is that THEY WILL LOSE THE VOTE!!
Harper is NOT being democratic. He is blindly following ideology which is not accurate. YOU ARE MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
2:03 pm, January 11, 2007
Mr. Vincent - here is something that used to be on the CWB website UNTIL CHUCK STRAHL FORCED THEM TO REMOVE IT FROM THE WEBSITE!!!!!!!
"3. Does the Canadian Wheat Board Provide A Fair Return And Other Benefit For Farmers?
The Wheat Board’s financial statements show that over 96% of the Board’s revenue is returned directly to western Canadian farmers.
No private grain company returns even remotely close to 96% of its revenue to farmers.
Canadian farmers fought hard to form marketing boards. The Wheat Board acts as the agent for farmers: it negotiates with customers, sets the price, arranges handling with the elevator companies, railways, and ships. The grain farmer then gets paid the best price for their grain.
The Canadian Wheat Board clearly has more bargaining power to negotiate with railways on 350,000 grain cars per year than any farmer shipping six or even fifty cars of grain to port."
Posted by
leftdog |
2:24 pm, January 11, 2007