Here Come The Authoritarian Types To Defend The Police At Montebello!
I have a hard time understanding the mechanics that make a right wing reactionary mind like Mcrae's work. In Mcrae's world, those who should be upholding the law become the law. This article is so typical of authoritarian thought process.
Unfortunately, Mr. Mcrae lives in a 'black and white' world. There is NO grey. 'This is good and that is bad.' To right wing extremists like Mcrae, the end justifies the means so what the hell - the laws be damned!
Very scary indeed!
I would like to second that motion. Talk about a 'Canadian Idiot'!
Posted by
leftdog |
10:37 am, August 26, 2007
He uses name calling 15 times.
He doesn't have a basic fact straight - (that video was not shot on cell phone)
He is most certainly entitled to his opinions, it is after all an opinion column; not knowing even one basic fact doesn't bolster his opinion.
Posted by
Bene |
12:22 pm, August 26, 2007
Earl Mcrae works for the Sun chain of newspapers. That's all you need to know about the reasons for your outrage.
The Sun newspaper chain is like Fox news on TV. You're for them or against them. If you're against them, they shout you down like Bill O'Reilly.
Think of Hearst. Nuff said.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:33 pm, August 26, 2007
What I find most fascinating is his use of the term "Dreamlanders" to describe anyone who doesn't subscribe to his authoritarian worldview. Like authoritarianism is "normal" and everything else is just a "dream" for naive "Dreamlanders".
Posted by
Greg |
2:51 pm, August 26, 2007
Damn. I thought only America had right wing authoritarian nazi tools (aka Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Malkin, Coulter, Savage, etc) but it looks like you got the same problem in Canada.
I'm so sorry.
I hope it's organic and not a metastatic effect from the U.S.
Not that if it's organic that it's any better but I shutter to think that the Conservative Propaganda here in the States is speading to other parts of the world.
Posted by
PoliShifter |
4:55 pm, August 26, 2007
I do believe I shall have a letter in the Ottawa Sun tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Posted by
Dr.Dawg |
12:56 pm, August 27, 2007