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Tuesday, May 27, 2008 

Julie Couillard Claims Her Home Had Been Under Electronic Surveillance - (but she is not sure who was bugging her)

Canoe.TV has posted their exclusive interview with Maxime Bernier's ex-girlfriend, Julie Couillard. In the interview she relates how Bernier left secret government briefing documents at her home. It is this disclosure that prompted the rapid departure of Bernier from Cabinet.

But what is more disturbing is Ms. Couillard's statements that she recently had her home screened for electronic listening devices and was advised by a professional firm that she had been 'bugged' but that her home had been recently 'cleaned' of the devices - they had been removed. She could not speculate who had been conducting surveillance of her or if Maxime Bernier had ever been recorded while in her residence.

We therefore have to wonder if she was being monitored by a local police force, CSIS, the RCMP or possibly a more nefarious source such as organized crime of a foreign service.

This story is NOT done yet!!

Her comments concerning the wire tap can be found on the Canoe.TV tape at the 16:00 minute mark until 19:00.
Exclusive Julie Couillard interview video from Canoe.TV

Here is how the MSM is carrying the wiretap angle:

" Julie Couillard, the ex-lover of Canada's deposed foreign minister, says she learned her bedroom had been bugged with secret microphones months after the couple split.

The former girlfriend of Maxime Bernier, who resigned from as foreign affairs minister yesterday, could not guess who might have been behind the plants. But the 39-year-old Quebecer, who garnered international headlines for links to Hells Angels bikers before she met Bernier, made the startling revelation in an interview broadcast on canoe.tv last night.

"They could not find any bugs, but they definitely came to the professional conclusion that there was proof bugs that were there, that were taken out," she said. "And the worst part is there was apparently some in the box spring of my mattress in my bedroom."

Couillard said experts who examined her home recently found evidence it had been bugged. She could not say who may have hidden the microphones -- or why."

Winnipeg Sun

How odd. Only the strangeness of each new revelation surprises me now. It's like a really bad (or really good) soap opera.

got any pictures ?

maxime was doing his duty as a man and,anyone who doesn't understand is.........probabily a liberal !

let's move on and try to get this gov't working for the public.


Not so fast there barbershop! If Maxime had of been a Liberal minister doing the same, Conservatives would have gone mental and off the deep end for weeks and weeks! To simply say this is over ... 'move on' is not going to cut it with the Canadian public.

I just wonder why would Bernier ask Mme. Couillard to trash the Nato breifings, the secret documents... it seems like the main media is more interested by julie's generous breats than by the question that realy is interesting: what was so terrible about those documents? and why couldn't the minister deal with the content of the files?

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