Harper's Conservatives Survive Confidence Votes As Liberals Absent The House
Rows of Liberal benches remained vacant in a series of votes on controversial immigration reforms that are part of a larger budget-implementation bill.
All opposition parties have excoriated the Conservatives for the immigration changes, but the Liberals continued their months-long practice of abstaining on key votes.
The Liberals were taunted and laughed at by their opponents as only a handful of their members showed up for a set of 114-83 votes that took the legislation one step closer to becoming law.
But Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion noted that the political gift of Bernier's resignation would never have happened if, several weeks ago, he'd brought down the government as some in his party urged him to do."
Alexander Panetta
The Star
I doubt you will get many comments. The Liberals who agree with you are too ashamed to say anything and the rest are in hiding.
Posted by
Greg |
5:49 am, June 03, 2008
Canadians seem to be blindly following the US lead towards a Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum U.S. type two party system. Even though the Liberals are gutless and care nothing for anything except getting elected most Canadians see them as the only alternative instead of voting for other parties. It is sad to see otherwise intelligent Canadians duped into making democracy into a game where the choices are both enough to make you puke.
Posted by
ken |
6:27 am, June 03, 2008
There's a Twilight Zone unreality to this whole government.
It's like that year of Dallas that was only Sue-Ellen's bad dream.
I'm hoping that we're all in this same zone and when we wake up, it'll be all fine and dandy.
Harper gives nightmares to most of the nation. Time to wake up!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:39 am, June 03, 2008
It was *Pam's* dream, though, not Sue-Ellen's (the lush). You're probably too young to remember all the details, david toronto. ;-)
Posted by
The Pundits' Guide |
11:23 am, June 03, 2008