Sunday Snippets

-Taliban win over locals at the gates of Kabul
The Taliban are winning the hearts of the Afghan people back ... you have to wonder exactly who it is that Canadian soldiers are dying for?
-Thatcher dementia fight revealed
Margaret Thatcher's daughter has revealed that her mother is battling dementia ... (I think I will just bite my tongue on this one!)
-Meat Industry Calls Tory Labelling Plan 'Dangerous'
Conservative ideology could be dangerous to your families health! Harper inisist that he wants to help companies "take the lead in fulfilling their responsibility for consumer protection," ... meanwhile ... Canadians die!
Personal feelings aside, it must be awful for Baroness Thatcher to have diminished mental capacity held hostage in an aging body.
No person deserves such an end to life.
Let's hope that she can't grasp the shame her son has brought on the Thatcher name. If she was able to understand it, then she might have forgotten it by now and won't be reminded of him and his escapades.
Will history judge her sympathetically?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:48 am, August 24, 2008
Margaret Thatcher does a lovely afternoon 'Tea' with mass murderer Pinochet!
Posted by
leftdog |
11:05 am, August 24, 2008
Putting aside The politics, Its Sad to see someone lose there mind to dementia.
My Grandmother has had dementia for the last 8 years, Its been getting worse every year now. Its now to the point that she does not even know who I am.
Posted by
huffb1 |
12:55 pm, August 24, 2008
Speaking of Harper, who let the right wing ideology into the country, anyway?
Come one already, let's get these turkeys out, legalize a few things, and stop bending over for a certain economy.
Wait, I think I'm ranting...
Posted by
Grokodile |
9:17 pm, August 24, 2008