How Stupid Does Dion Think We Are??

"Many times Mr. Harper and Mr. Layton worked together … Mr. Layton was beside him in 2006 to go to an election. He said to Canadians, to Liberals, at that time: ‘Lend me your vote.’ OK, he gave to Canada Stephen Harper."
Stephan Dion
Liberal Leader
(desperately hoping that Canadians are stupid enough to forget that the Liberals abstained from EVERY non-confidence motion that Harper faced)
(( sheeeeeesh!))
Want proof?
-Will The Harper - Dion Coalition Government Continue For Another Year?
-Dion's Liberals Will Allow Harper's Conservative Government To Continue In Power With Votes Tonight
-Thank Dion For Every Day That Harper Remains Our Prime Minister
On a totally unrelated note, do you or anyone know where someone could buy a t-shirt with a pig in a sweater on it? I'm sure it would be a big hit!
..go liberals, go ndp, go greens, heck, ABC :)
Posted by
BlogLover |
12:33 pm, September 15, 2008
Guess what Buckdog, Harper is the one who abused the Parliamentary system by making all those votes into confidence motions - more than any other Prime Minister that I can recall in over 30 years of watching. Now Harper conveniently has the NDP and Liberals sniping at each other when, in fact, it's Harper that caused the mess from the get-go. Classic neo-con strategy - get every else sniping at each other over the outcomes of your very deliberate actions.
Why did Harper make all those motions into confidence votes? It was completely unnecessary but he did it to make Dion look weak and knowing full well that Dion would have no choice for a period of time but to vote with the government.
Why did Harper call an election now? 'Cause he knows Dion would have taken him down this fall.
NDP and Liberals should aim their guns on Harper, he's the one who abused the system to his advantage.
Posted by
Deb Prothero |
12:44 pm, September 15, 2008
DEB!! Now I trust that you have left the very same post over at Libblogger, Jason Cherniak's site ... you know the guy who attacks Layton 3 out of every 5 posts!
Give me a break!! AND where were you when your Party was threatening to sue ME ... in an attempt to quash my free speech??
Give me a bloody break!!1
Posted by
leftdog |
2:39 pm, September 15, 2008