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Tuesday, October 07, 2008 

Conservatiives Still Don't 'Get' The Arts - But They Are Backtracking Now For Political Reasons

On September 16th, I published a post, 'Harperites Just Don't Get The Arts'.

Well they got stung ... it is hurting them ... and guess what! A big old reversal of some of their arts policy today:

"The Conservatives are canceling plans to restrict which film and TV projects are eligible to receive tax credits -- a move that had enraged the arts community."
CTV News


deGaulle's nose sniffed the air and made some policy changes.

The platform is available as a 44-page large print easy to read format. Nearly every page features deGaulle's nose.

deGaulle's nose likes to look down on the masses and sniff on them--poor impoverished souls that they be.

Let's pick deGaulle's nose and send him packing! A boot to the hooter wouldn't go amiss. Maybe that would be as telling as all those shoes and boots piled up in front of Flaherty's office today.
Toronto Star has a picture of that!

deGaulle's nose gets nothing but disdain from an angry public.

Isn't that just one of the most pathetic things we've seen? That's just insulting, and if these idiots think that will bring Quebecers back, not only don't they play chess very well, but checkers looks a challenge.

His actual statement:

"We will take into account the serious concerns that have been expressed by film creators and investors," says the platform.

Those our weasel words designed to be interpreted as a change of heart. But it's not a commitment to removing the censorship clause in Bill C-10.

Its too little too late, though it may slow the slide for the Cons in Quebec. A majority and they will be tempted to reverse this decision.


I wonder how actual Conservatives are seeing this move. They cannot be too happy about seeing the party that is supposed to represent them backpedal again. This is why I cannot stand the Conservatives. It is one thing to disagree with a party on a philosophical level. But when a party is constantly shifting its position to cater to the whims of influential factions of the electorate, then either they are nothing more than a populist party, or they have an agenda. With the Conservatives, the latter is probably the case.

Slow motion train wreck .

Cannot bear to look.


Thanks for keeping the arts issues out there.

It's a far cry from a statement of support for Canadian culture but then again just one week ago Peter Mackay was quoted in The Chronicle Herald as saying,

"I haven’t heard anybody identify where this mysterious figure of $45 million that was pulled out of arts funding has come from. There may be programs that have had their funding reduced; there’s other programs that have had their funding increased, there’s new programs, there’s programs that have expired"

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