Yom Hashua Reminds Us All Of The Consequences Of Unrestricted Religious Persecution
Mahatma Gandhi
March 24, 1938
During the spring of 1945 as Allied and Soviet forces marched deeper into Nazi occupied territory, they encountered the unthinkable as they discovered Auschwitz, Treblinka and other concentration camps.
Today in Israel and around the world, people stopped for a moment and remembered what happens when religious or racial persecution is practiced without any restrictions.
The hatred towards Jews that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad continues to express is completely intolerable. At the same time, the ongoing conflict between Israeli's and Palestinians benefits no one.
Every Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or Hindu should acknowledge that what happened to the Jewish people in the 1940's could just as easily have happened (or could happen) to them.
Fundamentalist intolerance, from any faith, is what must be challenged.
The ToStar doesn't put the correction in bold headlines like the original mistaken story headline. I have noticed that ever since their head dude got back from the Bildeberg conference in Virgina there has been subtle attacks on Iran. The first one happened a couple of weeks after he got back. Not saying Ahmadinejad is a good dude, just get the facts right on both sides of the story. People don't check the corrections they just read the head lines I found this one by accident>
News correction for April 22
Apr 22, 2009 04:30 AM
An April 21 article about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the United Nations World Conference against Racism in Geneva on Monday included incorrect information that resulted from an erroneous early translation of the speech. In fact, Ahmadinejad did not call for the eradication of Israel. Nor did he brand Israel as illegitimate.
According to the translation given in the United Nations' webcast of the speech, the Iranian president did say "Efforts must be made to put an end to the abuse by Zionists and their supporters of political and international means and in respect of the will and aspirations of nations.
"Governments must be encouraged and supported in their fights aimed at eradicating this barbaric racism and to move towards reforming the current international mechanisms."
Posted by
justfornow |
6:24 am, April 22, 2009
I will give credit where credit is due. Well said Buckdog.
I will add that one has a duty not to tolerate the types of things that bad people, such as Ahmadinejad, say on an all too frequent basis.
justfornow: just because he didn't call for the destruction of Israel in this particular raving lunatic speech, doesn't clear him of saying that exact thing in the past. If I'm not mistaken, he has also sponsored holocaust denial conferences, hasn't he?
I don't think we should tolerate those sorts of things, do you?
Posted by
Unknown |
7:22 pm, April 22, 2009
Engagement:this is justfornow had trouble logging in on the account-- He can sponsor what ever he likes there is nothing I can do about it, it doesn't mean that I support him or believe in what he is doing, but if we don't expect truth and accurate facts from our own media we may as well watch the bull from fox. Did you support Bush in his lies about Iraq, or the recent Israeli massacre in Gaza, just curious where you are coming from?
Posted by
fornow |
1:51 pm, April 23, 2009