Brad Wall Playing Political Games With Potash Motion

Saskatchewan's Legislative Assembly is reviewing a motion that urges the Harper government to block BHP's bid to take over the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan. Introduced by the governing Saskatchewan Party, the Legislative Motion asks for all Members to stand united in their message to the Federal government.
However, when Opposition Leader Dwain Lingenfelter offered to travel to Ottawa with Wall, in order to jointly bring the Legislative Motion to the Feds and to demonstrate a unified Saskatchewan stance on the issue, his offer was rejected.
On one hand, Brad Wall wants to say that Saskatchewan speaks with a unified voice on the Potash controversy. However, the Premier's intense political paranoia and insecurity has reared its ugly head.
Wall's Motion fails the 'smell' test.
10:18 AM - NOTE: To CBC Saskatchewan and Regina Leader-Post - Saskatoon Star Phoenix .. because none of you are carrying any news items on the Potash Motion being dealt with in the Legislature today, I am forced to use the only news item available on the issue ... Winnipeg Free Press
Later that same day ..
-CBC Saskatchewan ...
-Regina Leader-Post
... more potash ...