Is Stephen Harper Using The British Monarchy And the Appointment of Angelo Persichilli To Try And Rekindle Separatist Sentiment In Quebec?
This is a valid question. I'll tell you why.
If you were Stephen Harper, would you rather see the people of Quebec vote for the Bloc Quebecois or continue moving to the New Democrats?
In the last few days, Harper has poked his finger in Quebec's eye on two separate occasions. First with the appointment of anti-Quebec journalist Angelo Persichilli to the position of Director of Communications in the PMO. Second, on the heels of the Angelo Persichilli appointment, came the idiotic Federal directive to place a portrait of England's Queen Elizabeth in hundreds of Canadian embassies and missions around the world.
These two moves are clearly intended to do one thing - to reignite separatist sentiment in Quebec which will see a move from the NDP perhaps back to the Bloc Quebecois. You see, the Bloc can never, ever win a Canadian Federal Election, the New Democrats just might ...
-Harper's secret love for the English Queen ...
-Conservative Senator from Quebec furious with Harper over appointment of Persichilli ....
There have also been rumblings that he is backing off from his pledge of HST compensation, if true there would be no doubt as to his intentions of stoking the separatist flames for political gain, Which would be consistent with his behavior to date.
Posted by
Kev |
11:05 am, September 10, 2011
Stephen Harper's Canada does NOT include Quebec, it be obvious for some time now.
Posted by
sassy |
12:48 pm, September 10, 2011
I am not sure that he is that systematic. However, if he really is attempting to manipulate the national electorate to this extent, he really is a guy that is willing to play with fire for cause of potential political payoffs. The bigger the gamble, the bigger the potential payoff but also the bigger the potential loss. As Robespierre learned, such gambles can make you powerful or land you on the guillotine.
Posted by
Kirbycairo |
2:27 pm, September 10, 2011
He also knows that if Quebec separates, the Conservative majority is even larger, since outside of Quebec they won 161 out of 233, or nearly 70% of the seats, while with Quebec factored in it was only 166 out of 308 or 54% of seats.
Posted by
Dan F |
4:19 pm, September 10, 2011
He's doing this because he's a fucking monarchist. The monarchy should go not to satisfy Quebec, but because monarchy is an affront to democracy.
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
8:16 pm, September 10, 2011
Of course he is. He is also trying to box in the NDP as a apologist party on not real Canadians. I wish the NDP or the Libs would stand up and say, the Queen as our head of state is a backwards as the Conservatives.
Posted by
Steve |
11:49 am, September 12, 2011