Sask Premier Brad Wall 'Displays Double Standard' ... Criticised By All Other Sask Political Party Leaders

Premier Brad Wall has really stepped into a big mess with his criticism of Federal Liberal Leader, Justin Trudeau. All leaders of Saskatchewan political parties have now made that perfectly clear:
Sask New Democrats
"Wall has criticized federal Liberal party leader Trudeau for accepting hefty payments for speaking at charity events, but provincial NDP Opposition Leader Cam Broten says the premier should look “inwardly.”
“The premier is so passionate about highlighting some of the mistakes that have been made at the national level, while at the same time, he’s overlooked that practice within his own caucus,” Broten said.
It was revealed Monday that one of Wall’s Sask. Party MLAs, Gene Makowsky, returned — after Wall blasted Trudeau — more than $2,000 in fees the former CFL player had received for attending charity events.
Broten said NDP MLAs don’t accept such payments, describing that as “common sense. “There’s also the issue of the premier receiving a salary from the Sask. Party for doing things like speaking at leader’s dinners,” Broten said.”