Canadians Uncertain about Harper - Angus Reid Poll
What do you like, if anything, about the Stephen Harper-led Conservative government?
Unsure 28%
Nothing 22%
Keeps his promises 12%
Gets the job done 9%
His policies 6%
Angus Reid
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I wonder why ther is never a poll on Jack?
Now would be a good time to do one. As polsters love to do polls during/after a contraversial issue surfaces.
Do you think Canadian soldiers act like terrorists?
Do you think our Canadian troops should 'cut and run'
Do you think Jack should personally go to Afghanistan and talk to the Taliban?
Posted by
wilson |
1:58 pm, September 07, 2006
Your guy Harper is losing. Everyone knows it. Hence tory attacks on Jack Layton. Your majority government is NOT going to happen. The Libs are split down the middle on the War in Afghanistan. They are basically screwed for awhile yet. Harper did not want the press to cover funerals for Canadian soldiers (we know why now). Harper at best might be able to cobble together a 2nd minority - but he WILL NOT win majority. I understand you anger at Jack and New Democrats. Every party has its extremists - the NDP has a resolution that is extreme and will be massively defeated at the convention this week. Canadians do not want your war. Canadians do not want to get rid of Public Health Care, Canadians do not want US currency, Canadians do not want you to dink with CPP, the NDP will continue to inform Canadians on the dangers of the extreme right wing as represented by Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party. Deal with it.
Posted by
leftdog |
2:26 pm, September 07, 2006
Jack Layton calls Prime Minister Harper a "cheerleader for President Bush." I see Layton acting like a cheerleader for the Taliban and as a result,being their best ally in Canada. This hypocritical leader of the NDP was all for this mission last year while propping up a less than stellar Liberal minority.This Canadian does not see a concerned socialist leader when I look at Jack Layton.I see a left-wing hack hoping to score political points on the memories of all the brave men and women who have given their lives fighting an enemy that would see freedom and democracy destroyed and replaced by a repressive theocracy.
Ron Sadler
Posted by
harbinger |
6:00 am, September 13, 2006