Prime Minister Harper Has Obligation To Release Details Of His 'Investigation' Into The Cadman Affair!

Details are just starting to emerge in this story. The PMO says Harper had the matter 'investigated ... when he first heard the story from Dona Cadman'. The public has a right to know who conducted the investigation, the methodology used, who was interviewed, results of the investigation, etc. etc.
If an MP's vote in a critical matter was interfered with, or if any type of inducement were made to influence the vote, criminal charges could result. This is a very serious matter and the public has a right to know the results of Stephen Harper's 'investigation'.
More on this story ....
Truly vile.
Posted by
Justin Socie |
8:39 am, February 28, 2008
The PMO's office shouldn't be investigating. This is a criminal matter and only the RCMP or a private investigators office mandated by the Speaker's office should do any delving into the matter.
By the way, remember Gurmant Grewal and the fake tape?
Is it something that's contagious to that part of BC?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:13 am, February 28, 2008
I completely agree that the RCMP should investigate - (but I would like to see what Harper did ((he calls it an investigation)) when he first found out about it).
Posted by
leftdog |
11:49 am, February 28, 2008
Just a question:
Could the Cadman affair cost the Conservatives enough support to lose the next election if an election were called very soon?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:47 pm, February 28, 2008
My gut feeling is that this has the potential to get big and out of the Tories control. BUT ... the Asper media is trying to bury it. In my local daily (Regina Leader-Post), if you go to section D - page 6, put on your glasses and squint, you will find a line or two on the story.
CBC has given it fairly good coverage, but CTV seems reluctant to carry it.
The blogging community may have to try to move it along into higher levels of public awareness.
Gut feeling ... it will die in a day or two - which is highly unfortunate.
Posted by
leftdog |
1:10 pm, February 28, 2008
I completely agree that he has an obligation to tell Canadians what his investigation entailed, but I'd go further to say that he had another obligation as well. When he first heard of the allegations he should have reported it to the ethics committee or the RCMP for investigation. It's their job to conduct these types of investigations, not Harper's. My thoughts are that Harper was far more involved with this offer than he's letting on. Peter MacKay too, despite his denials. How could Harper have knowledge of an offer, but MacKay didn't know anything?
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:00 pm, March 02, 2008
I noticed that MacKay was quick to point out to reporters that 'he' had no knowledge of the Cadman Affair. I think that Peter senses that if things go bad for the Conservatives over this and Harper has to step aside, he is well placed to lead the party.
Posted by
leftdog |
8:15 am, March 03, 2008