Dog Beating Prince Edward Needs To Get Hit With A Big Stick!

Buckingham Palace said Edward was trying to break up the fight between two of his dogs.
"It has not been determined that he did strike the dog. He broke up the fight with the dogs and pictures show him waving his stick around. We cannot confirm, however, whether he struck the dog."
Buckingham Palace
Royal Bullshit! He is obviously beating the dog in the picture above. The stick is clearly striking the dog's back!
This 'Royal' twit needs his ass kicked ... or better yet, needs to get hit with the same stick across his back!
I hope we don't see this particular free-loading 'Royal' in Canada again, anytime soon.
Is that a rifle under his left arm? Good thing he didn't shoot it!
Posted by
BeerBellyBuddah |
12:28 am, December 30, 2008
Dog beating Prince Edward? Now, that's news! :)
Posted by
Dr.Dawg |
6:09 am, December 30, 2008
First of all, let me say I don't tolerate animal cruelty.
That said, the stick is NOT clearly striking the dog, if you actually look, you can see the stick between the dog and the camera. It sort of appears to be striking the dog, but clearly it is NOT.
Posted by
Unknown |
12:41 am, February 25, 2009