Holding George W. Bush Accountable
George W. Bush
Candidate for President - 2000 Election
"Washington insiders are divided into two basic groups over what to do about the sordid history of the Bush administration: one side wants a “truth” commission but no jail time, and the other side says do nothing beyond thanking George W. Bush and his aides for a job well done. But there is a grassroots movement out there that battled the Bush administration’s crimes as they were happening – often in the face of disdain from the insiders – and that group believes serious accountability must be achieved if the health of the American Republic is to be restored, a position shared by journalist Peter Dyer:"
Consortium News
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Bush should have been, if the rule of law and the lofty ideals of the US constitution meant anything, impeached before his first term was out. Most certainly in his second term.
The very fact that neither of the two camps wants "jail time" ought to tell you that there really is one set of law and justice for the rich and powerful and one for everyone else.
Keep reading this Buck, and you'll be an anarchist yet.
Posted by
Mike |
10:58 am, February 10, 2009