'Saskatchewan Party Stood For P O R N'

The political right wing has gone off the deep end in the province of Saskatchewan over the last couple of days because of a pre-election ad campaign that the New Democrats are running on television.
Over the years, members of the Opposition Saskatchewan Party have advocated privatization of crown assets. The party was unsuccessful in the 1999 and 2003 provincial elections. As a direct result of their electoral failures, they claim that they have changed their official policy on privatization.
In the lead up to the next election, the NDP is running an advertisement that reminds voters what the Sask Party policy had been. In the video ad, there is a screen that says 'Sask Party Stood For Privatization Of Crowns.' The image fades out.
Spokespersons for the Sask Party claim that the ad has a subliminal message which leaves the impression that 'The Sask Party Stood For Porn'. (even though the letter 'T' remains in the image).
Talk about paranoid - talk about conspiracy theories.
By **howling** like they are, the Sask Party has ensured that the NDP ad gets much more exposure then it otherwise would.
What a bunch of whiners!
-Regina Leader Post
-Swift Current Progressive News
**H/T to Giant political mouse for the full video ad**
NOTE: If anyone reading this has access to Murray Mandryk, columnist with the Leader Post - Star Phoenix, tell him to give his head a bloody good shake! Murray, do you ACTUALLY believe that there is a subliminal message in that ad?! GET REAL ... sheesh!
"The NDP TV ad contains the words "the Sask. Party stands for PRIVATIZATION OF CROWNS". Those capitalized letters quickly fade, and, for a split second on the screen, the message is "the Sask. Party stands for P-O-R-N". Of course, this was coincidental and not intended to be a subliminal message, the NDP says. Yeah. Right."
Murray Mandryk
Leader Post
August 29, 2007
Note that Mandryk alters the quote in his article from the screen which the SP claims to say: "Sask Party Stood For Porn" to the words "the Sask. Party Stands for P-O-R-N".
By the way - what does it mean that someone 'Stood' for porn? What the hell does it mean? There were no chairs during the dirty movie so they had to stand up?
The Sask Party, Murray Mandryk and others are outraged at WHAT????
To me it looks like they stand for PORT, that T definitely looks brighter than that N.
Which leaves me divided... How can I oppose a part that stands for Port wine... Tasty Tasty port wine.
Posted by
MrvnMouse |
12:28 pm, August 29, 2007
I just find it really weird that when they look at a video with sheep, they see the word "porn" when it isn't there. Some might say that is freudian. Not me, but some might.
Posted by
Giant Political Mouse |
1:16 pm, August 29, 2007
Bwahhhhhhhh ha ha ha ... !!!
Posted by
leftdog |
1:21 pm, August 29, 2007
I am not sure that Mr. Douglas could have ever imagined what befell the province during the years 1982 - 1991. The right wing did NOT balance 1 budget in their entire 2 terms - they purged thousands from the civil service on mere suspicion of voting NDP - and the borrowed Billions and Billions to fund their right wing idiocy.
The NDP have brought the province back from the edge of fiscal oblivion (despite the nonsense that comes from the Devine apologists about the era).
The stakes are high in the next election for both sides and there is NO doubt that this is going to be a wild provincial election. That being the case, I am not as offended as you are of the ad.
The Sask Party is led by the remnants of that failed right wing experiment of the 1980's. Both sides are going to wage battle with the most up to date of political science, strategy and tactics.
I will not hold the NDP to Marquis of Queensbury rules while the right wing Sask Party is trying to boot them in the genitals.
Posted by
leftdog |
2:04 pm, August 29, 2007
Saskatchewan is easily excited and thats all there is to it, like "Moms Against Alice Cooper," rather than looking at the issues contained in the commerical, we have been consumed by the possibility of malevolent subliminal messaging. Maybe it was intentional, maybe not, but who really cares. We should be judging the merit of the blatent statements made during the commercial. It certainly is a story undeserving of the front page of the LeaderPost
Posted by
Clayton Ford |
12:22 am, August 30, 2007
If this is the kickoff to a fall election, you can tell that it is going to be spirited and vitriolic, (I don't get to use that word very often); it's going to be a 'kick ass' campaign.
Posted by
leftdog |
9:07 pm, August 30, 2007