Stephen Harper's 'Dirty Dozen' Saskatchewan MP's

In 2006 working people in Saskatchewan sent 12 Conservative MPs to Ottawa on a promise that the New Conservative Government would deliver fairness and a new system of equalization that would let the province keep 100% of its natural resource revenues.
A year and a half later, those dozen MPs took the money and ran – away from their word by voting against the fairness they promised Saskatchewan families.
Caution: Stephen Harper’s Dirty Dozen Saskatchewan MPs should be considered unaccountable and disrespectful to the people of Saskatchewan.
Twelve Conservative MPs and not one of them can hold a candle to Ralph Goodale.
Talk about your limited choices.
Hear that, Maurice?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:40 pm, August 30, 2007
Maurice Vellacott, is just an example of what the Conservatives really are. Maurice has no respect for an independent judicial system required to prevent the corruption of the legal system by political officials.
Looking at their spiteful handling of the wheat board. I wonder what they have respect for beyond their own love of power.
Posted by
tdwebste |
3:10 am, August 31, 2007
Vellacott's christianist beliefs allow him to justify all kinds of political nonsense. I agree with your statement totally, "Maurice has no respect for an independent judicial system required to prevent the corruption of the legal system by political officials".
Posted by
leftdog |
7:37 am, August 31, 2007