The Political Poop On Gov. Sarah Palin - If you like extreme right wing crap, you're gonna love McCain's VP chioice!

Meet Governor Sarah Palin. She is a fundamentalist Christian who wants Creationism to be taught in Alaska schools as science. In the wake of her election to a first term as the governor of Alaska, a mean streak of truly remarkable proportions was displayed.
"Sen. John McCain has picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, a senior McCain campaign official told CNN on Friday. Palin, 44, who's in her first term as governor, is a pioneering figure in Alaska, the first woman and the youngest person to hold the state's top political job."
Jason Leopold - writing for
The good news here is that many Republicans are questioning the choice of Palin for VP ... sensing a hint of desperation in the McCain camp.
Governor Palin was also a memeber of the Alaska Independence Party before she became a Republican!
She loves the USA so much ... she wanted her state to secede from the Union!
I think that McCain's choice for VP is already sending shock waves throughout the Republican Party .... oops!