I like Pierre Bourque. Lots. His news agreggator is bookmarked on my computer and I visit the site a number of times daily. For a news junkie, Bourque is the 'fact fix' that gets you through the morning, then the afternoon, then the evening. He brings cutting edge and breaking news forward 365 days a year - I noted updates even on Christmas Day.
Mr. Bourque has roots in the Liberal Party. He ran for Parliament in the 1993 Canadian election as a Liberal candidate in the Montreal riding of Rosemont.
Those of us who follow Bourque get to see a glimmer of what he is thinking by the headlines he gives to stories on his aggregator.
Like most Canadians, I believe that Mr. Bourque was caught off guard by the scope and depth of the Liberal Adscam scandal. For someone who has been a dedicated Liberal, Adscam must have been an unfortunate eye opener.
Some Liberals, however, have turned a blind eye to the whole nasty affair and continued on as if nothing happened. That does NOT appear to be the case with Pierre and you can detect just a hint of that in his choice of headlines. The Liberal Party of Canada is not getting a free ride from Bourque, and that is as it should be.
The clicker here is the way that some Liberals have now decided to mount a campaign of criticism against Mr. Bourque. Some of their language is nasty and a bit over the top.
This thin skinned approach demonstrates exactly the point I believe Pierre is trying to make to Liberals. 'You do NOT have a divine right to govern this nation!' If you want to have the trust of Canadians then you must earn that trust and you must keep that trust. Period!
I applaude Pierre Bourqe. I have no time for Libs who are trying to portray him as having gone 'tory'. I highly doubt that.
Bravo Pierre. Keep doing what you are doing.