Six Aboriginal Leaders JAILED For Resisting Mineral Exploration On Their Ontario Reserve!

"It's hard to believe, but in 2008 -- in Canada -- the government is placing people in jail for their political beliefs.
During the past week, six leaders from the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation in Northern Ontario were sent to jail for six months for contempt of court. The six include Chief Donny Morris, four band councillors and a band member.
The "KI Six" fought against mineral exploration in their traditional territory only to be faced with an injunction that they refused to recognize. We haven't seen anything like this in Canada since the Northwest Rebellion of 1885." [...] "This action has sparked outrage in Indian Country and Assembly of First Nations Chief Phil Fontaine called it "shameful" to see a chief and his band councillors jailed for defending their rights. Anglican Archbishop Fred Hiltz was highly critical, calling it a "throwback to colonialism."
Meanwhile the KI Six are incarcerated at the Thunder Bay Provincial Jail. Protests and a vigil have been held outside the grounds. A sacred fire was lit, but it was doused by the fire department, adding to the tension."
Doug Cuthand
-Regina Leader-Post
-Anglican Church criticizes jailing of First Nations members
-Canadian Mining Journal
-So .. in Ontario ... dealings with First Nations people look like a page out of the 1800's!
-Why not send a message to Liberal Premier, Dalton McGuinty to tell him that you do NOT agree with the jailing of the 'KI6'